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Video | Silk Road Interview: Unveiling China-Europe Railway Express
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:孙绮曼、曾育文、李志文、梁喻、王丹阳、陈泽云、杭莹、付怡、黄婷 发表时间:2023-10-21 23:23

The year 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past decade, the Belt and Road countries have worked together to connect their infrastructure, built service platforms, established assembly centers and improved customs clearance efficiency to form modern logistics hubs, promoting continuous improvement and upgrading of China-Europe Railway Express.

Over the years, the China-Europe Railway Express has reached over 200 cities in 25 European countries from its birth. The 86 routes, with a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, form a logistics distribution network across the main regions of the Eurasian continent.

Undoubtedly, as a landmark project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Europe Railway Express has tightly connected the Asian and European continents, opening up a new channel for land transportation and economic and trade cooperation between them. It is truly a "golden express".

Over the past decade, the range of goods transported to Europe via the China-Europe Railway Express has expanded from computers, mobile phones, and other products to include 53 categories, such as complete vehicles, machinery equipment, and electronic products. Similarly, the goods transported from Europe to China have expanded from timber and automobiles to electromechanical products, food, and medical devices. The quantity and categories of goods have continued to increase, gradually creating more cooperation opportunities in emerging fields.

Following this "Steel Camel Caravan" spanning across the Eurasian continent, the journalists from Yangcheng Evening News have documented the fruitful achievements of the Belt and Road Initiative: The China-Europe Railway Express not only innovates international transportation supply chains by connecting Asia and Europe, but also creates new possibilities for cultural exchanges. Forging ahead, the China-Europe Railway Express is writing a new chapter of shared development and prosperity.







出品人 | 杜传贵 林海利
总策划 | 孙爱群 孙璇 林洁
总统筹 | 吴江 蒋铮 侯恕望 孙晶 刘佳宁 骆苹
文 | 记者 孙绮曼
译 |白心怡
视频拍摄 | 曾育文 李志文 梁喻 冼颖樱
视频剪辑 | 冼颖樱
视频文案 | 王丹阳 李志文 陈泽云 孙绮曼 杭莹 付怡 黄婷