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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Team of SCNU helps Yangjiang with the "digital sea ranch"
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:陈亮 发表时间:2023-08-28 23:38

One day after the Fishing Festival in August, a team of college students from South China Normal University (SCNU) came to the Pearl Bay Pier in Dongping Town, Yangdong District, Yangjiang City, to livestream the "fierce" scene of fishing at sea.

Ever since 2021, the team from the School of Computer Science of the SCNU has been paying their field visits to Dongping Town, Yangjiang City. They have found that the limited sales channels for fishery products, the high threshold of e-commerce, the unstable product markets and the weak bargaining ability of the fishermen have led to the difficult sales of fishery products.

To help the locals create their brands, the team tried to build up a new type of rural broadcasting room at Pearl Bay to "livestream at sea".

A mature live broadcasting team has been formed through this practice. Wu Weijia, with rich experience in the "We Media" operation, functioned as a broadcaster during the livestreaming, trying to attract more viewers with the help of his account with over 100,000 fans.

During the preliminary investigation, the team also found that information fragmentation is bothering most of the current intelligent fishery systems, making it hard for them to obtain accurate production data, thus resulting in an imbalance between production and marketing, leaving a large amount of spoiled fish for the fishermen.

To solve this problem, the students and teachers of the team worked together and gave birth to an agricultural system called "Jinzhu Yunji" (meaning "golden beads gathering"), which can clear the way for information exchange through digital integration, while serving as a reference for the government and enterprises during production adjustment and market coordination.

The team compared the characteristic agricultural products in the rural area to "Jinzhu", which means "golden beads", while "Yunji", meaning "gathering", represents their aspiration to gather, display and sell the precious agricultural products from the Yangdong villages through big data and cloud platform, to gather the wealth for the farmers.

In normal days, the students develop and operate their platforms at school. When the summer holiday comes, they will visit the villages and towns in Yangdong District, conducting in-depth research on fishery-related personnel.

It is reported that the team aims to create a multi-line sales model of "livestreaming + e-commerce platforms + video promotion", with brand promotion as the core, and to strengthen the digital transformation of the fishery industry, thus forming a "digital sea ranch".

Up to now, the "Jinzhu Yunji" team has cooperated with over 300 fishery households. After being fully promoted, the platform is expected to reach more than 1,000 fishery households, helping them to centralize the production data and realize the integration of the modern agricultural whole industry chain with "production management + data governance + sci-tech traceability".

It is also worth mentioning that, the team will continue to offer diversified high-quality courses and scientific experience to rural schools, with "scientific education" as the theme, which will enable the rural children to learn about cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.











目前,金珠云集团队与超过300 户渔户合作,平台全面推广应用后,预计将链接到逾千户渔农,集中生产数据管理,实现“生产管理+数据治理+科技溯源”现代农业全产业链一体化。


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