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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait discuss the beauty of art together
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮 发表时间:2023-08-27 21:45

On August 26th, A Touch of Chinese Culture Among Students from Guangdong and Taiwan: The 2023 Cross-Strait University Cultural and Art Summer Camp's Opening Ceremony and the "Harmony – Together" Cross-Strait University Student Art Exchange Exhibition commenced at the Guangdong Overseas Chinese Museum. Nearly 100 attendees, including officials from relevant departments in Guangdong province, students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and young artists, were present at the event.

When Jiang Huijie, a student from the Department of Fine Arts at the National Taiwan University of Arts, saw her artwork displayed at the exhibition, her joy was palpable. She remarked that having the opportunity to engage in artistic exchange with art students from the Chinese mainland and witnessing diverse styles of artwork was an incredibly enriching experience.

The summer camp and art exchange exhibition saw participation from over 40 teachers and students representing 18 universities in Chinese Taiwan. The art exchange exhibition showcased more than 60 pieces created by students from art departments on both sides of the strait. The exhibition will be open to the public at the Guangdong Overseas Chinese Museum from August 26th to September 25th.

Zheng Mingjia, President of the Guangzhou Association of Taiwan Youth, shared that the cultural and art summer camp has been held for several sessions. This marks the first time they've conducted an exchange through artistic painting. "We received nearly a hundred submissions for the exhibition, underscoring the strong confidence that students from both sides have in the flourishing of cultural and artistic endeavors. Through more face-to-face opportunities, we hope to deepen mutual understanding and spark even more artistic brilliance."

Zheng revealed that apart from the art exchange exhibition, Chinese Taiwan students participating in the summer camp also visited the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to learn about the Lingnan School of Painting's origins and evolution. They also engaged in printmaking workshops with fellow students from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, fostering connections through the power of art.

Wu Qinyi, a student from the Department of Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts, proudly displayed photos of her works created during the printmaking workshop to reporters. She shared, "I've etched the friends I've made in these two days onto the prints." Furthermore, she captured her experiences in Guangzhou over the past couple of days in a sketchbook that she carried with her.

"This is the view of the green trees in Guangzhou that I saw after leaving the airport. This scene is from when the teachers at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts introduced us to the Lingnan School of Painting. Here's Canton Tower and the Pearl River that I glimpsed, and this page captures the opening ceremony from just now..." Wu flipped through her sketchbook while describing her journey. 

She expressed that before arriving in Guangzhou, she was aware of institutions like the China Academy of Art and the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. During this visit, she was inspired to consider pursuing further studies in Chinese mainland art schools after completing her undergraduate degree. She hoped for more opportunities to engage in diverse cultural exchanges.

It's understood that the Chinese Taiwan teachers and students participating in the summer camp will embark on a 5-day visit and exchange in Guangzhou, Foshan, and Zhuhai, alongside students from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, and the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Together, they will explore the charming landscapes of Lingnan and embrace the vibrant spirit of the Greater Bay Area.











文、图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 谭铮
翻译 | 刘佳慧