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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
LingNan Talk | 111 years ago, he fit wings to the Chinese dragon in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-08-26 00:04

On August 25th, 1912 in Guangzhou, the Yantang area was a sea of thousands upOn thousands of citizens gathered in anticipation. Despite the scorching sun, the onlookers – men freshly rid of their queues and daring women who discarded their traditional tiny shoes– radiated an extraordinary aura of excitement. They are on The brink of witnessing a myth that has awaited its moment for a millennium. The protagonist of this myth, however, is a youth who seems to have not yet shed his innocence.

Stepping onto The podium amid an eager crowd, The young man appeared somewhat shy. Facing countless curious gazes, he unfolded a series of tales seemingly from The realm of dreams-manufacturing aircraft, mastering flight, The significance of aviation.After concluding his speech, he entered the aircraft he had designed and built himself, took a deep breath, and, amidst The crowd's gasps of awe, piloted the plane skyward. Fierce air currents rattled the nerves of all who watched.

But just as the aerial spectacle concluded, tragedy struck. The plane, prepared for a landing, surged skyward as if propelled by a thousand firecrackers, only to lose balance and plummet to the earth. The 29-year-old aviator, in the midst of The city'scollective grief, was lost despite the rescue efforts.

What transpired at that fateful moment of landing? For a century, Theories have proliferated. Amidst the intricate complexities of analysis, people are more inclined to accept a sorrowful supposition:

As The aviation hero readied for touchdown, he suddenly noticed a group of children playing on the runway. In a split second, he pulled The control stick with all his might.In the realization of impending doom, his life flashed before hiseyes: from a young man seeking a living in America to a patriot aspiring to revolutionize aviation in China, from founding aircraft manufacturing plants to rivaling The achievements of the Wright broThers.

Despite this flight ending in failure, he remains the undisputed "Father of Chinese Aviation." His name-Feng Ru-is destined to be etched into the inaugural chapter of China's aviation history.

He was hailed as the "Founding Aviator of China," praised by American media as the one who "fit wings to the Chinese dragon." His aerial feat stunned the world, leaving Westerners in awe of how "in aviation, the Chinese left the Caucasians in theirwake." He devoted his life to the ideal of aviation for national salvation, and proposed numerous visionary theories on aerial warfare. Even on his deathbed, he encouraged his aides:"Do not let my passing hinder your ambition, for this is a necessarystage."

On May 28th, 2023, the domestically-produced C919 large passenger aircraft completed its maiden commercial flight successfully. On that day, bouquets of flowers and images of the domestic aircraft appeared before Feng Ru's tomb at the Huanghuagang Parkin Guangzhou, brought as offerings by the citizens.










统筹、策划 | 郑华如、周乐瑞
文字 | 谢杨柳
出镜 | 郑紫薇
拍摄、封面设计 | 赵翊辰
剪辑 | 林润祺
翻译 | 刘佳慧
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 桂晴