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Video | Western Post: To create a new supply chain model of "China-Europe Railway Express + Overseas Warehouse" for products made in China overseas
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:陈泽云、付怡、梁喻、黎杰文 发表时间:2023-08-26 23:09

The rapid development of the China-Europe Railway Express not only propels the thriving of cross-border e-commerce in countries along the Belt and Road initiative but also stimulates cross-border enterprises to establish overseas warehouses in hub markets along the China-Europe freight routes.

At the distribution center for China-Europe Railway Express located just over 300 meters from the Duisburg DIT terminal, Wang Xin, the person responsible for the railway transportation and customs clearance of the European segment at Western Post, informed reporters that upon the arrival of China-Europe Railway Express in Germany, containers with bulk cargo are brought to this center for unloading and customs clearance operations. Subsequently, with the assistance of the fleet of trucks in Western Post, these goods are transported to wholesale markets, corporate factories, and other destinations, completing the "last-mile" distribution phase of products made in China for their overseas journey.

Western Post, headquartered in Shenzhen, is a leading enterprise in cross-border logistics for oversized goods in Europe, America, and China. Presently, it operates 27 fully-owned overseas warehouses in Europe and America, with a combined storage area exceeding 5 million square feet. These warehouses are strategically located in six major clusters including Los Angeles, New Jersey, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, and Duisburg, providing comprehensive coverage across Europe and America.

In June of this year, Western Post's overseas warehouse in Duisburg once again garnered public attention as it was officially designated as the German Distribution Center of "YXE" ("Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe") China-Europe Railway Express. This move signifies that Western Post is intensifying its efforts to establish a new supply chain model of "China-Europe Railway Express + Overseas Warehouse".

In recent years, with the rapid development of industries like cross-border e-commerce, the market has placed higher demands on the flexibility of the China-Europe Railway Express. To align with the trend of smaller and more frequent international and domestic trade orders, the China-Europe Railway Express has seen a rise in the trend of consolidated shipments. In this context, using overseas warehouses for distribution and transshipment has become an inevitable trend.

Wang Xin explained that the Distribution Center in Duisburg covers an area of 7,000 square meters and is equipped with 7 truck bays and 9,000 standard pallet positions. Since the launch of the distribution center, it has played a significant role in improving the operational efficiency of railway cargo and enhancing the flexibility of its operations.

"In the current era, products originating from China can be conveniently shipped via the China-Europe Railway Express utilizing a singular piece of equipment or machinery. This method not only affords the adaptability synonymous with air freight transportation but also proves to be substantially more economical than air transport." Wang Xin remarked.

It is reported that this overseas warehouse seamlessly integrates customs and warehousing operations. Upon the arrival of goods at the port, there is no need for customs clearance. They are directly transferred by truck to the supervised warehouse in Western Post in Germany, where customs clearance can be completed within 90 days.

At the distribution center, the reporter observed crates of various sizes awaiting clearance. "This batch mainly consists of goods from Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, with solar panels being the predominant category. Over the past few years, Chinese photovoltaic products have gained substantial popularity in Germany. The majority of solar panels used in German households are manufactured in China." Wang Xin informed the reporter. He further stated that these photovoltaic panels can be shipped and distributed within as little as 1 to 3 days, eventually reaching thousands of homes across Germany.

【视频】西邮物流:打造“中欧班列+海外仓”供应链新模式 助“中国制造”出海










出品人 | 杜传贵 林海利
总策划 | 孙爱群 孙璇 林洁
总监制 | 吴江 蒋铮 侯恕望
统筹 | 孙晶 刘佳宁 骆苹
文 | 羊城晚报特派德国记者 陈泽云 付怡
图、视频拍摄 | 羊城晚报特派德国记者 梁喻
视频剪辑 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 严锦程 黎杰文
翻译 | 林佳岱 陈萱