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Baiyun Beauty Bay Cosmetics Expo shows cultural diversity in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:符畅 发表时间:2023-08-28 23:39

On August 27th, the Second Baiyun Beauty Bay Cosmetics Expo was inaugurated with a ceremony at Baiyun Beauty Bay Square. The event featured a diverse artistic extravaganza for the audience, including fashion, leather goods, cosmetics, Canton embroidery, and crochet weaving.

It's understood that the Baiyun Beauty Bay Cosmetics Expo is a significant event in the cosmetics industry, bringing together renowned brands and innovative enterprises from across China. This launch ceremony provided a platform for enthusiasts and professionals in the beauty industry to engage in deep exchanges.

The day's fashion and cultural showcase included performances such as "Worldly Attire," "Baiyun Elegance," and "Sanyuanli Style," and concluded with ballet and "Elegance of the Prosperous Era."

The first segment, "Worldly Attire," focused on Tang Xiaoling Studio's creative Canton embroidery products, including earrings, handbags, and silk scarves. These creations seamlessly blend the millennia-old art with modern fashion, offering the audience a splendid visual delight.

The second segment, "Baiyun Elegance," presented a medley of costumes from the Lianshan Autonomous County of Zhuang and Yao Ethnic Minorities. Through the fusion of different cultures, this performance portrayed the poetic ecology embraced by Baiyun's landscapes, the cultural heritage spanning centuries, and the vibrant urbanity defined by towering buildings.

The third segment, "Sanyuanli Style," broke free from traditional runways' spatial constraints and combined elements of trends and traditions, creativity and practicality. This synthesis of "artistic flair" and "worldly charm" redefined the value of the fashionable IP "Trends Culture."

In the fourth segment, "Elegance of the Prosperous Era," professional models and fashion enthusiasts showcased gambiered Canton gauze and spring-summer evening gowns. These outfits highlighted the unique charms of gambier Canton gauze - its coolness, lightness, softness, and wrinkle resistance - and underscored the viewpoint that "fashion should be a part of daily life."

The organizers of the event remarked, "This occasion has brought together elements of Canton embroidery, as well as intangible heritage clothing from the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups of Guangxi. The participating designers have embodied the spirit of craftsmanship, working tirelessly to carry forward and promote traditional Chinese culture."










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