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Highlights of the opening ceremony of Chengdu Universiade
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李钢、邹丽珍 发表时间:2023-07-29 00:02

On the evening of July 28th, the 31st Chengdu Universiade inaugurated its grand opening in Chengdu, Sichuan. This Universiade's opening ceremony was a concatenation of pleasant surprises, brimming with noteworthy highlights that evoked a wave of online praises.

In an exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News, Chen Weiya, the General Director of the opening ceremony, said that the entire event was meticulously orchestrated to control within the timeframe of 100 minutes with a 15-minute performance, thus making it the shortest one among all international sporting events.

Despite the brevity of time, the team ceaselessly improved every single aspect, from fireworks, lighting, audio, and stage effects, to costumes and props, ensuring that each fleeting second was an embodiment of spectacle for the audience.

Let us delve into the highlights of the current opening ceremony.

1. the "Golden Sun Bird" totem

One of the striking elements of the opening ceremony was a totem of the Golden Sun Bird excavated from Chengdu's Jinsha Site (an archaeological site). As an artifact dating back centuries ago, it symbolizes humans' relentless pursuit of light, dreams, and the perseverance and positive spirit inherent in the Tianfu (Chengdu) culture.

The Golden Sun Bird totem witnessed the whole process from the countdown to the final lighting of the sacred flame. Its presence was manifested not only through light and shadow but also through a special laser device on-site, emitting dazzling light as the image of the Golden Sun Bird at different moments.

2. University students

The Universiade is an athletic extravaganza for university students, making them the protagonists of the opening ceremony. The artistic performance "Youth Chasing Dreams" at the opening ceremony of Chengdu Universiade was composed of three sections: the light of youth, the vitality of youth, and the friendship of youth.

As Chen Weiya explained, the number of performers and youth volunteers participating in the Universiade opening ceremony was the fewest in the history of international opening ceremonies.

Among them, more than 900 were artistic performers. The total came to approximately 2000 along with youth volunteers and ceremony guides.

"Out of these 2000 individuals, 99% were university students, with only a handful of professional performers used for aerial stunts," added Chen.

3. Shu embroidery

Chen Weiya revealed that many significant creative ideas were infused into various segments of the ceremony. The athletes' entrance was aptly named "Gorgeous Future", where projections were used to create a "Path of Splendor" woven from Shu embroidery, one of China's four famous embroideries, on the athletes'; path. This was symbolic of the young people embarking on their journey to success.

4. Pandas

Sichuan, the home of pandas, adopted the adorable "Rongbao" panda as the mascot for Chengdu Universiade. The opening ceremony was replete with elements of pandas as 31 Rongbaos marched into the venue together with the athletes. Their endearing presence contributed to a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.

5. Local culture

In addition, the audience could also other elements unique to Sichuan, such as Sichuan Opera's face-changing ("Bian Lian" in Chinese) art, hotpot, and bronze artifacts. Through performances, video images, and performance art, representative historical and cultural elements of Sichuan were integrated into the opening ceremony.

"Sichuan and Chengdu boast an abundance of cultural elements. We want the world to know Chengdu - a city that's enchanting, beautiful, and brimming with artistic charm," said Chen Weiya.
















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