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"Guangdong power"propels the opening ceremony of Chengdu Universiade
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李钢、邹丽珍 发表时间:2023-07-29 00:02

The successful opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade would not have been possible without the support of various regions across China, among which there is a creative team from Guangzhou for culture and sports business - the RUIFENG Culture.

A reporter from Yangcheng Evening News had an interview with the team members to uncover the story behind the current opening ceremony.

Wang Ruixiang, the chief producer of the opening ceremony and chairman of RUIFENG Tech, said in the interview that a large amount of technical equipment used in the opening ceremony of Chengdu Universiade was sourced from Guangdong. Wang went on to explain that the lighting industry in Guangdong holds a market share of over 85% nationwide, with a share accounting for more than 70% of the global market.

Thanks to the distinctive strengths of Guangdong in stage equipment and artistic technology, the RUIFENG's team developed 40 laser devices to achieve an artistic effect of sun particles on stage. Moreover, the team also developed an intelligent performance device at a high altitude based on the actual slope of the venue in order to create an artistic effect that brought out the best in the theme of "chasing dreams and light". All these have presented a true artistic effect and showcased the youthful vitality of college students to the fullest extent.

In contrast to the largest ground screen used in the opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the Chengdu Universiade employed projection technology, which, in practical use, poses a series of challenges. For example, in the event of rainy weather, standing water on the ground may cause a reflection and severely affect the projection effect. Additionally, the projection background laid on the ground also requires a solution to the problem of light decay. "To address this issue, the production team searched far and wide for a final discovery of a suitable manufacturer. The white carpet produced by this manufacturer not only has waterproof functionality but also solves the issue of light decay to the fullest extent, producing excellent projection effects," said Wang Ruixiang.

With RUIFENG Culture's involvement, Guangdong has made a distinctive contribution to the triumph beginning of the Chengdu Universiade.








文 | 羊城晚报特派成都记者 李钢 邹丽珍
译 | 陈萱