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Wu Zhengdan: Using acrobatics to narrate life on a stage without bounds | Masters' Studios
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:朱绍杰、周欣怡 发表时间:2023-07-25 23:20

In April of this year, acrobat Wu Zhengdan, renowned worldwide for herballet on shoulders,once again garnered recognition for her extraordinary performance in the acrobatic ballet drama "The Butterfly Lovers". She then was awarded the prestigious "Lead Role" of "Magnolia Stage Awards", being the first awarded acrobat in the 31-year history of the ceremony.

At this juncture, a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News visited Wu Zhengdan's rehearsal room at the Guangzhou Acrobatic Arts Theatre.

As the originators of the ballet on shoulders, Wu Zhengdan and Wei Baohua have dedicated over 30 years to their craft by integrating acrobatics into their performances and enriching character development and emotional expression with theatrical concepts.

Before her career in acrobatics, Wu was an artistic gymnast. At age 6, she entered a children-oriented sports school for artistic gymnastics training. While at 12, she transitioned to a skills team, beginning her training in mixed doubles. Three years later, she and her partner Wei Baohua clinched the championship at the Acrobatic Gymnastics World Champions. At 17, Wu retired from the Sports Committee of Liaoning Province and joined the Soldier Acrobatic Troupe of Guangzhou Military Region, writing a new chapter in her life. At the time, Wu had been building her team, determined to bring her idea for "The Butterfly Lovers" to life.

Wu and Wei increased the difficulty level of their performance in order to enhance their competitive strength in international competitions. As luck would have it, their choreographer had a background in ballet. Noticing the similarities between their skills and partner dancing, Wu decided to try ballet. In an effort to overcome the physical limitations of age, Wu required herself a return to basics, rigorously practicing fundamental skills and flexibility, and enhancing her physical fitness, all in an attempt to regain the physical condition of her youth.

Balancing delicately on her partner's shoulder with just the tip of her toe, Wu can effortlessly execute beautiful ballet poses like "Attitude". Wu's excellent performance makes one forget her age. She admits to a competitive streak and a refusal to defeat since childhood. "I strive for excellence in everything I do. We may not reach perfection, but we can pursue uniqueness," Wu said.

The ballet on shoulders represents a bold exploration into the future of Chinese modern acrobatic arts - a journey of crossing a river by feeling the stones. Wu and Wei train for dozens of hours each day, battling recurring waist injuries and worn-out toes, enduring heart-wrenching pain.

Wu has continuously overcome physical, mental, and strength-related challenges, viewing them as trials. She insists that her perseverance stems from her passion. The true recognition of ballet on shoulders started with the audience who bring continuously enthusiastic feedback at home and abroad, giving her a sense of accomplishment on the stage that cannot be obtained elsewhere. "Despite injuries and increasing age, I still hope to extend my artistic career," she said.

Wu views Yang Liping as her model. "People generally think that acrobatics is a profession that can only be taken in youth. But we hope to show young performers through our actions that the stage knows no bounds if there is love and standards and demands for yourself," Wu Zhengdan said.











出品人 | 杜传贵 林海利
策划 | 孙爱群 陈桥生
监制 | 邓琼 蒋铮 吴小攀
统筹 | 朱绍杰 何奔 付怡
执行 | 周欣怡 文艺 彭灏明 黄宙辉 孙磊
文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 朱绍杰 周欣怡
视频 | 彭灏明 戚容源 彭泽祥 唐德荣 暨晴 陈贤宇
译 | 陈萱
海报设计 | 唐欣怡
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 桂晴