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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Tapo Temple Fair in Foshan kicks off
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:景瑾瑾 发表时间:2023-07-24 23:58

Foshan's lively cultural festival, the Tapo Temple Fair, commenced on July 23rd on Zumiao Road in the Chancheng district. This year's festival will run from July 23rd to July 30th and promises to feature a range of traditional rituals, such as the washing with the Tapo Temple's water, as well as new events including a creative show of Chinese traditional style and culture, martial arts flash mobs, Cantonese opera performances, and more.

At the festival, the first Lingnan culture-themed market in the Guangzhou-Foshan area will be presented, featuring a reconstruction of the bustling ancient Tapo market. Over the course of eight days, locals and tourists alike will have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in Lingnan culture and explore its unique characteristics.

During the opening ceremony, the original residents of Tapo used traditional bamboo poles to draw water from the Tapo Well and pour it into a copper gong, symbolic of the constant flow of Tapo water that nourishes all things. As the water was passed from hand to hand through the streets, it captured the spirit of the festival's theme.

As the old saying goes, “Tapo exists before Foshan”.Tapo is considered to be the birthplace of Foshan and has a long history steeped in legend. During the Dong (Eastern) Jin period (317–420),a monk from the Western built a hut on Tapo Hill (currently Tapo Street) and preached there. In 628 AD, three bronze Buddhas were discovered on the hill, and the Tapo Temple was rebuilt to house the three, along with the Tapo Well. The area was then renamed "Foshan," and Tapo became known as the "first land of Foshan" in the hearts of the locals.

In ancient times, during the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, merchants doing business near the Tapo would pool their resources and invite local theater troupes to make a performance. The streets were decorated with flowers, with the celebrations lasting for an entire month, becoming one of Foshan's longest-running and most traditional folk festivals.

Today, the Tapo Temple Fair refers to not only one of Foshan's most exciting cultural events, but also an important day for locals to seek their cultural roots. Visitors from all over the world come to experience the fair and wash their hands with Tapo water, hoping to fulfill the traditional wish of "living life smoothly".

The current Tapo Temple Fair has ingeniously brought together several Lingnan cultural landmarks such as the Tapo Well, Cantonese Opera Museum, and Hongsheng Memorial Hall in a photography way of combing the exploration of the "first land" with emerging leisure activities. This approach has successfully attracted a large number of local citizens and tourists to come and experience the charm of Tapo firsthand.

At the festival, there is the first Lingnan culture-themed market in the Guangzhou-Foshan area, showcasing the magnificence of the former Tapo market through a convergence of intangible cultural heritage, floral and plant displays, handicrafts, cultural and creative projects, Lingnan specialty crops, folk customs, and other items. Throughout the festival, a series of performances incorporating intangible cultural heritage, Chinese traditional style, and contemporary art elements, will take turns gracing the stage, encompassing lion dance of King battles, Chinese traditional-style show, Cantonese opera, Cai Lifo boxing, Tai Chi, cross-talk comedy, street dancing, opera highlights, and ancient-style music play.









文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 景瑾瑾 实习生 孔淑琳 通讯员 谭碧韵
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 赵丹丹