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"Night of Animation & Designer Toys" kicks off in Dongguan, Guangdong
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王雷 发表时间:2023-07-23 23:24

On the evening of July 20th, the "Night of Animation & Designer Toys" kicked off in Dongguan, Guangdong, which was specially planned for the first time by the 13th China International Animation Copyright Fair (CIACF) and included the elements of traditional culture, modern technology, classic IPs, and IPs of Dongguan trendy toys, showcasing the charm of Chinese animation and designer toys.

Jin Cheng and screenwriter Yao Zhongli presented at the event to pay tribute to Chinese animators and reminisce about the original animation "Calabash Brothers".

At the event, Jin Cheng and screenwriter Yao Zhongli graced the stage to pay homage to the pioneering Chinese animators and to reminisce about t the original animation "Calabash Brothers", a charming animated series beloved by generations of Chinese audiences.

Li Shihong, a famous voice actor who had previously voiced the Monkey King (Sun Wukong in Chinese) in the 1986 version of the TV series "Journey to the West" and in works such as the games "DOTA2," "Arena of Valor" and "Fantasy Westward Journey 3D" also performed on stage to recreate the classic voice of "Journey to the West" and pay tribute to the animators behind it.

The event also showcased Dongguan's original trendy IP called "Laura" as well as a captivating trendy toy show themed around basketball, which epitomizes the unique qualities of Dongguan's cultural brand and injects fresh and innovative connotations into the burgeoning animation industry.

Guan Zai, who was appointed as the "animation ambassador" for the 13th CIACF, joined hands with the up-and-coming rapper and music producer Ye Fenghua to perform the theme song "Trendy Dongguan Towards the World." The fusion of Chinese style, electronic music, pop, and rap, accompanied by a troupe of cosplayers, actors, and dancers, created an unforgettable musical experience, reverberating with the resounding wave of Chinese traditional style and culture across the world.

According to the event organizers, the "Night of Animation & Designer Toys" represents a comprehensive display of China's exceptional accomplishments in animation and designer toys, as well as the all-encompassing might of Dongguan as the capital of art toys in China. Culturally, as Dongguan improves its popularity and ultimately to be a quality city, the city's burgeoning cultural soft power is evident in its sustained commitment to high-quality development. Indeed, the trendy Dongguan is rapidly advancing toward global excellence with great momentum.






“奔涌起浪潮的节拍,让世界跟着摇摆,东莞worldwide! worldwide!”现场, 第十三届漫博会推荐官——莞仔,携新生代说唱歌手、音乐制作人叶枫华,与一众Coser、演员、舞者同唱融合国风、电子、流行、说唱等曲风的动漫潮玩之夜主题曲《东莞潮·向世界》,唱出了国潮在世界浪潮澎湃的姿态。

活动主办方表示, “中国潮玩之都·动漫潮玩之夜”的举办,是国潮国漫优秀成果的一次集中展示,也是“中国潮玩之都”全方位实力的展现。从“文化新城”建设到“文化名城”建设,再到“品质文化之都”建设,东莞这座年轻都市,彰显着可持续高质量发展的文化软实力。“潮”东莞,正朝世界一流,大步向前。

文、图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 王雷 通讯员 莞宣
责编 | 王楠