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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
首届云上岭南文化博览会 First Lingnan on the Cloud Cultural Expo
首届云上岭南文化博览会 First Lingnan on the Cloud Cultural Expo
International students visit rural areas to experience the development in China
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:杨苑莹 发表时间:2023-07-20 23:16

On July 18th, the theme event "Talk about hometown at Lingnan together with foreign friends" kicked off in Foshan City. Twelve international students from Southern Medical University from nine countries including Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Madagascar visited the Magang Village in Ronggui Street, who paired up with students from Magang Primary School as a team for social activities. Through cultural exchanges, they learned about the intangible cultural heritage and local customs in Mangang, experiencing the development of rural areas in China benefiting from the rural revitalization strategy.

It is learned that Southern Medical University has a deep connection with the place, establishing its Shunde campus in Magang, Ronggui in 2007. During the event, these international students introduced their countries' cultures to the children from Magang through local music, pictures, and other content. Afterwards, the kids introduced the history of Magang village to these foreign friends and together they made traditional delicacies called chicken biscuits (a kind of traditional Cantonese biscuits that looked like small chicken, made of nuts and pork, and tasted sweet and salty).

Ma Shuaibo from Afghanistan is a senior student majoring in stomatology at the First Clinical Medical School of Southern Medical University. Having lived and studied in the Shunde campus for two years, he has a different feeling about Magang Village: "The environment and atmosphere here are very good for study. The construction and development of Magang are beyond my imagination. When I return to my country, I often share what I have seen and heard during my study in China with my family and friends."

The person in charge of the School of International Education of the university said that there are nearly a thousand international students in the university, and the university hoped they can personally experience the changes brought about by rural revitalization by visiting local villages in person.

This event not only opens a new window for international students to learn more about China, but also offers a new path for the children of Magang Primary School to explore the world. The relevant person in charge of Magang Village said that they would take this event as an opportunity and further promote cooperation between the Shunde campus of Southern Medical University and the village to encourage more Chinese and international students to participate in local dragon boat and lion dance activities in rural areas, thus promoting cultural exchanges.


7月18日, “四海同心访岭南,携手前行话家乡”主题活动在广东佛山举行,来自土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、马达加斯加等9个国家的12名南方医科大学外国留学生走进容桂马冈村,与马冈小学的学生结对组建社会实践队伍,通过文化交流了解马冈非遗技艺、风土人情,直观感受乡村振兴战略下中国乡村的发展魅力。





文、图丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 杨苑莹 通讯员 季颖