【大美广东】The Temptation of Cantonese Morning Tea: Even Lu Xun Couldn't Resist | Lingnan Talk x Better Than Perfect
早茶的诱惑,鲁迅都躲不过| 岭南说x掂过碌蔗
"Let's have tea when you're free!" This greeting is deeply embedded in the DNA of #Guangdong people, dating back to the Qing Dynasty. In the mid-Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, #Guangzhou became #China's only port for foreigntrade, with tea, porcelain, and silk flowing in continuously and being exported worldwide. Today, every pour, every sip, every taste, and every thought—drinking #CantoneseMorningTea has become an integral part of life for the Cantonese people. #LingnanCuisine