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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【雲上嶺南】The short film from the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program was unveiled in Paris, drawing attention to the Lingnan style

山海短片亮相巴黎,岭南风情引人注目 | 山海展映季·巴黎

来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 发表时间:2024-12-23 20:24

On December 19 (Paris time), the "Maritime Guangdong" Showcase · Paris, hosted by the Yangcheng Evening News Group, was officially inaugurated at the well-known cinema LES 3 LUXEMBOURG in the Latin Quarter of Paris, France. The sixshort films presented various aspects of contemporary China from a fresh perspective. Among the audience were Chinese individuals working and living in France, as well as many local film practitioners and enthusiasts in Paris. French audiencesshowed great interest in the films and the young Chinese directors.

当地时间12月19日19时,由羊城晚报报业集团主办的“山海展映季·巴黎”在法国巴黎拉丁区知名艺术影院LES 3 LUXEMBOURG正式开幕,当天放映的六部山海短片以新鲜的视角展现当代中国的各个切面。观众中既有在法国工作和生活的中国人,也不乏巴黎本地的电影从业者和爱好者。法国观众对影片和中国青年导演都产生了极大的兴趣。




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