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I See China | International students from Serbia: The Chinese-made TBMs are truly impressive!
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:付怡、温泽广 发表时间:2024-09-28 22:59

Subway is the preferred mode of transportation for many people. Have you ever wondered how such a vast underground network is constructed? How are those long underground tunnels excavated? This brings us to the contributor of tunnel construction—the tunnel boring machines (TBMs) .

Recently, at the invitation of the "ISeeChina" project by Yangcheng Evening News, Doki, a Serbian student from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, visited the TBM factory of China Railway Hua Sui United Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (CRHS)  located in Shunde, Foshan. There, she had the opportunity to closely examine TBMs and learn about the stories behind TBMs made in China.

As soon as Doki entered the factory, she was struck by an immense TBM towering three stories high. "The shield machine is much larger than I imagined!" Doki exclaimed. "That's right, the diameter of this TBM's cutter head reaches 6.73 meters, which is about the height of three stories," explained Liu Ruifei, an engineer at the Institute of Electrical and Intelligent Technology of China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd. 

Actually, the cutter head we see is just a part of the front end of a TBM. Led by Liu, Doki took a thorough tour of the TBM named "Luo Tie No. 3 ." Behind the cutter head, there are segment assembly machines, pebble systems, and more. Liu explained that this "Luo Tie No. 3" has an overall length of 205 meters. "It's incredible! What a massive machine!" Doki couldn't help but exclaim.

In the past, China relied on imported TBMs. It wasn't until 2008 that the first TBM with independent intellectual property rights was produced in China. He Yong, the assistant general manager of CRHS, told Doki that the group's orders for TBMs have exceeded 1,600 units, with exports to 32 countries and regions worldwide, including traditional industrial powerhouses like Germany, France, and Italy." This also signifies the world's recognition of Chinese manufacturing," He Yong said.

After gaining an in-depth understanding of Chinese-made TBMs, Doki remarked, "It turns out that in many parts of the world, the infrastructure that provides convenient transportation for people is supported by the contributions of Chinese-made TBMs. That's impressive!"

Source : Lingnan on the Cloud

I See China | 塞尔维亚留学生:中国产的盾构机,真了不起!



一走进工厂,Doki就被眼前的庞然大物震撼了,一台三层楼高的TMB(隧道掘进机,俗称盾构机)正静静矗立着。“盾构机比我想象中大多了!”Doki感叹道。“没错,这台盾构机的刀盘直径达到6.73米,约有三层楼那么高。” 中铁装备集团电气与智能技术研究院工程师刘睿斐说。



