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Y TALK 81 | City Central Axis, Bridging History and Future
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:曾潇、黎杰文 发表时间:2024-09-21 10:57

Many cities have prominent central axes. At the 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum, the World Heritage "Beijing Central Axis" is a hot topic.

The axis includes 15 landmarks, showcasing the essence of Eastern aesthetics. And Guangzhou also has one of China's oldest city central axis, thriving for over 2200 years.

Y Talk 81 | 城市中轴线,连接历史与未来



统筹 | 蒋铮
策划 | 赵鹏
文案 | 曾潇
拍摄、出镜 | 曾潇
剪辑 | 黎杰文 曾潇