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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Video | Ye Jianqiang: 'Ghost-Eye Street Photography' for half a century, capturing Guangzhou through his lens | Masters' Studio
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:梁善茵、朱绍杰 发表时间:2024-09-20 22:41

Even for strangers he has never met, Ye Jianqiang can infect them with enthusiasm and sincerity and capture a "moment in life" for them with his lens. These real moments captured by chance originate from his long-standing habit of observation and recording as a former photojournalist for the Yangcheng Evening News.

Ye Jianqiang has been dedicated to capturing the essence of everyday life, a path that is both ordinary and extraordinary. Sculptor Pan He referred to Ye as "Ghost-Eye Street Photography", signifying his keen vision to capture moments hidden in plain sight amidst the hustle and bustle of the city that others fail to see.

"Photography has become increasingly popular, but many hit a plateau because they lack the depth of life experience", Ye believes. It's not surprising to occasionally capture a good photo, but to consistently see the extraordinary in the ordinary is the inevitable result of countless observations and experiences of life.

"I am now in my seventies, and it seems like fifty years have flown by. If the people of Guangzhou appreciate my street photography, I will continue to meet their expectations and capture new images of Guangzhou, recording its dynamism and transformation."

"Street photographing" may seem like a pursuit of speed, but in reality, walking down Mashi Street for fifty years for each photo is a test of the perseverance and dedication to "endure loneliness." Ye admits, "I may not be as quick to adopt new technologies as the younger generation, but the essence of photography lies in understanding the city and its culture. Art must be rooted in truth to give birth to emotions that are genuine and profound."

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud

【视频】走进名家工作室 | 叶健强:“鬼眼跑街”半世纪,用镜头穿越广州







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总统筹 | 孙爱群 陈桥生
执行统筹 | 邓琼 吴小攀 朱绍杰
文 | 记者 梁善茵 朱绍杰
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