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Video | Diverse, beautiful, and safe: the true Xinjiang as seen by foreign experts and bloggers
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:温泽广 发表时间:2024-09-04 22:33

On September 3rd, the "True Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Foreigners, Locals" event was held in Guangzhou, where scholars, foreign experts, international bloggers, Xinjiang aid workers, and youth from Hong Kong and Macao gathered to share stories of Xinjiang's beauty.

Xinjiang through the eyes of foreign friends: a land of diversity, beauty,and security

Australian video blogger Jerry Grey, who has biked through Xinjiang twice, uses his platform to debunk misinformation spread by some Western media outlets, sharing the true stories of Xinjiang with the world. He urged people not to be misled by Western narratives. Initially, Jerry went to Xinjiang expecting to encounter problems, but he quickly realized, "Everything I thought I knew about Xinjiang was wrong."

For Jerry, the keywords that define Xinjiang are "diversity" and"safety." He spoke about the region's diverse environment, cuisine, culture, religion, and ethnic groups. Recalling his night rides through Xinjiang, he shared, "We arrived in the city around midnight and settled into our hotel. Nighttime riding was no different from daytime because Xinjiang is truly safe."

Osama Abdallah Abdelshafi Mohamed from Egypt, a distinguished research fellow at the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has long been engaged in research in the field of environmental microbiology and has been living and working in Xinjiang for nearly seven years. He has witnessed many changes in the region, yet certain beautiful aspects remain as captivating as when he first arrived.

Speaking fondly of Xinjiang, Osama said, "Xinjiang is a very beautiful place, with unique culture, landscapes, and food." He also praised the warmth of the local people, noting,"Whether it's a big matter or a small one, they always go out of their way to help." Having embraced Xinjiang as his "second home," he sincerely remarked, "This is the safest and most beautiful place I’ve ever been."

Experiencing Xinjiang's cultural fusion: a warmth felt by youth from Hong Kong and Taiwan

Angus Ng Hok-ming, chairman of the Greater Bay Area Youth Association, recalled dancing around a campfire in Xinjiang, singing Uyghur songs while his Xinjiang friends sang in Cantonese. "Their Cantonese was even better than mine!" he said with a laugh. This blend of cultures and exchanges between different ethnic groups left Ng feeling deeply touched.

Influencers You Naipei and Du Shaodian from Taiwan, China, experienced life as "one-day shop assistants" at a pilaf restaurant in Korla, Xinjiang, where they were pleasantly surprised to meet fellow villagers from Yilan. Their journey continues, with their next stop being Altay: "We're excited to explore the beauty of Altay!"

From Xinjiang to the world: wherever they go, Xinjiang people shine as ambassadors

Abduweli, the chief editor of the "I Am from Xinjiang" WeChat account, is passionate about telling Xinjiang's stories through media. He highlighted the unique spirit of "Ersiz Wawa" found in Xinjiang people—a local term that embodies strength and resilience. He believes that wherever they go, Xinjiang people serve as shining ambassadors of their homeland.

He shared that many of the people he has interviewed who visited Xinjiang for the first time were struck by its vastness. "You don't realize how big China is until you visit Xinjiang." He also emphasized that Xinjiang is not just a travel destination but a land full of opportunities to achieve one's dreams. He warmly welcomed more people to visit Xinjiang and experience its vastness, while also hoping that more "I Am from Xinjiang" voices can spread Xinjiang's story across the globe.

Parizat Abudukirim from Hotan, Xinjiang, has been living in Guangzhou for two years and has decided to settle down there. "I really like it here; I'm going to stay!" she said with a smile. The primary reason for choosing Guangzhou, she explained, was the abundance of job opportunities.

Beyond job opportunities, Parizat has also fallen in love with Guangzhou's food and scenery, especially the city's parks. When asked about her favorite park, she replied without hesitation, "I love Yuexiu Park the most. It has mountains and water, and you can even go boating!"















