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New momentum for high-quality development in Ruyuan, Shaoguan
来源:羊城晚报•羊城派 作者:欧阳志强 发表时间:2024-08-19 23:24

In recent years, Ruyuan has focused on industries such as green energy, new materials, biomedicine, and electronic information, targeting new productive forces and constructing a high-quality development industrial chain. This has transformed the "Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Project" from a blueprint to a tangible reality, promoting coordinated urban-rural and regional development as well as extensive exchanges, interactions, and integrations among various ethnic groups. In the first half of this year, Ruyuan's regional gross domestic product reached 5.579 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 6.6%, ranking first in Shaoguan.

Building a hub of technological innovation and achieving industrial iteration and upgrade

In the midsummer heat, the wind farms in Dabu Town, Ruyuan , are shrouded in mist, with towering wind turbines spinning against the wind. In recent years, Ruyuan has vigorously developed the new energy industry, leveraging the advantages of rooftop photovoltaics that do not occupy construction land, as well as the complementary benefits of distributed photovoltaic forests and fisheries, to develop and utilize various new energy industrial applications, driving the continuous implementation and commissioning of new energy projects. It is reported that from January to June 2024, Ruyuan's investment in energy projects reached 227 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.2%.

Moreover, Ruyuan has leveraged HEC , Shaoguan's only private enterprise with a value exceeding 10 billion yuan, as a leading enterprise to drive technological innovation that fosters industrial innovation. Relying on cutting-edge technologies, new industries, modes, and growth drivers have emerged, rejuvenating traditional industries. In March 2024, Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County HEC Formed Foil Co., Ltd. successfully entered the list of Guangdong Province's eighth batch of national manufacturing champions, becoming the first in Shaoguan to do so. In May, Ruyuan's first "little giant" key enterprise specializing in new and high-tech industries, Oulai High-tech Materials Co., Ltd., successfully listed on the STAR Market, being the first company in Shaoguan to do so.

In recent years, Ruyuan has continuously strengthened the construction of green industrial parks, forming a modern green industrial system dominated by electronic materials, new materials, and biomedicine, achieving a comprehensive upgrade of the green development system in the park. According to statistics, as of now, the Ruyuan High-tech Zone boasts 33 high-tech enterprises, 2 national-level specialized and new enterprises, 24 provincial-level and above specialized and new enterprises (including 2 national-level), 54 engineering technology research centers, 500 patents, 200 high-tech products, and 4 provincial-level manufacturing champions (products).

Furthermore, Ruyuan has constructed a distinctive Rugui Economic Corridor , primarily centered on the G240 Highway from the Ruyuan New Materials Industrial Park to the county town and the S250 Highway from the county town to Guitou Town. This corridor spans approximately 38.5 kilometers and covers an area of 550 square kilometers, connecting the production, city, and people integration development towns including Rucheng, Yiliu, Guitou, and Youxi, as well as Xincun Village in Dongping Town.

Creating a "Yao Culture +" model to drive the integrated development of cultural, tourism, and sports industries

Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County is one of the three ethnic minority autonomous counties in Guangdong Province, with a Yao population of 27,744, accounting for approximately 11.91% of the county's total population. The area is rich in tourism resources.

As the "Hometown of the World's Mountain Yao", Ruyuan actively plays the "combination punch" of ethnic culture and ethnic tourism, leveraging a "government-led and enterprise-operated" approach to build a "dual industrial development platform" for ethnic cultural industries and ethnic tourism industries. Under the strategic deployment of "a bag of tourist souvenirs", Ruyuan has established the first non-heritage cultural and creative incubation base in Shaoguan City. Since 2023, the core products incubated by the base, such as Yao embroidery and Yao medicine meridian hammers, and Yao embroidery sachets, have seen their monthly sales increased by over 50%, with orders flooding in from all over the country. This has significantly facilitated the creative transformation and innovative development of intangible cultural heritage resources, promoting the distinctive ethnic culture of northern Guangdong.

Leveraging its natural endowments as an ethnic region, Ruyuan has focused on developing Yao ethnic tourism, comprehensively establishing Yao cultural theme hotels, and vigorously integrating ethnic customs into scenic spots, hotels, homestays, and agricultural tourism complexes. Highlight projects include "A-grade scenic spots + Yao ethnic performances", "hot spring hotels + Yao medicine steam baths", "star-rated homestays + Yao embroidery designs", and "agricultural tourism complexes + Yao folk activities". These initiatives further enhance Ruyuan's reputation as a "Yao Homeland, Healing Paradise" and strive to establish it as the most distinctive ethnic tourism destination in Guangdong Province.

Moving forward, Ruyuan will seize the opportunities presented by the planning and construction of the high-quality development corridor for ethnic regions in Guangdong Province. By leveraging its status as a core area of the Nanling Ecological Barrier in the Green and Beautiful Guangdong Campaign and an ethnic minority settlement, Ruyuan aims to excel in narrating the story of environmental protection and ethnic unity and progress. This will propel the high-quality development of the cultural industry, tourism, and sports sectors, contributing to greater achievements in the "Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Project".

Source :Yangcheng Evening News











乳源立足于民族地区天然禀赋,着力发展瑶族风情旅游产业,全面打造瑶族文化主题酒店等,并大力推动民族风情进景区、进酒店、进民宿、进农旅综合体,推出“A级景区+瑶族风情展演”“温泉酒店+瑶药熏蒸泡浴”“星级民宿+瑶族刺绣设计”“农旅综合体+瑶族民俗活动”等亮点项目,进一步擦亮“世界瑶乡 疗愈圣境”旅游城市名片,力争把乳源发展成为广东省最具特色的民族风情旅游目的地。


文、图 | 记者 欧阳志强 通讯员 乳宣
译 | 赵凡
英文审校 | 王枥焓