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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
When overseas Chinese youths encounter intangible cultural heritage
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮 发表时间:2024-08-18 21:52

Dong dong qiang! Dong dong qiang! Accompanied by the powerful beat of drums, lively and endearing lion dancers took turns performing, kicking off a day of immersive experiences with Cantonese culture for a group of overseas Chinese youths.

Recently, more than 80 overseas Chinese youths from the UK, France, Austria, Serbia, the Netherlands, Italy, and other countries gathered in Guangzhou to participate in the 2024 "Root-Seeking Tour in China" Summer Camp . Reporters followed the participants as they explored Chinese cultural heritage at the Shawan Ancient Town in Panyu district and Yong Qing Fang in Liwan district, witnessing their day of cultural discovery.

At the Shawan Cultural Center, the youths watched and engaged in a performance of the Guangdong Lion Dance, a national intangible cultural heritage. The agile lions leaped, pounced, and crouched in sync with the drumbeats, mimicking the emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, movement, stillness, surprise, and doubt with a series of complicated movements such as jumping and "plucking greens ". The youths were captivated by the skillful performance.

After the performance, the overseas youths were eager to try lion dancing for themselves under the guidance of experienced instructors. One participant from the Stichting Chinese School Delft in the Netherlands remarked, "I loved interacting with so many peers. Seeing the mastery of the local lion dancers gave me a real appreciation for the saying, 'One minute on stage takes ten years of practice offstage'."

In addition to the lion dance, the youths also got a taste of Cantonese culinary culture. At a restaurant housed in a traditional Lingnan ancestral hall, they were taught how to make "Jiang Zhuang Nai" (Ginger Milk Pudding), a famous Cantonese delicacy, by a local intangible cultural heritage bearer, Lu Zihao.

"The milk must be fresh buffalo milk, and the temperature has to be just right to ensure that the starch in the ginger combines perfectly with the proteins in the milk," the instructor explained. Enthusiastically, the campers followed the steps of grating ginger, extracting juice, heating milk, cooling it down, and then mixing it with ginger juice. After a 30-second wait, bowls of smooth, silky ginger milk pudding were ready. "The heat of the ginger balances the coolness of the milk—it's amazing how much cultural wisdom is hidden in such a simple dish," one participant remarked as they sampled their creation. "It's a bit spicy yet sweet—such an interesting combination."

Later, at Yong Qing Fang in Liwan district, the youths strolled through century-old Qilou (arcade houses) and along cobblestone paths, surrounded by traditional elements like lattice windows , oil-paper umbrellas, lion dance decorations, Guangzhou embroidery , porcelain, Wing Chun , and Cantonese opera.

Throughout the day, the overseas Chinese youths experienced how Guangzhou blends tradition with modernity and history with the present. This vibrant and inclusive city offered them a unique cultural adventure during their summer camp, leaving them with unforgettable memories.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News










文、图|记者 谭铮 通讯员 乔萱