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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
The 2024 fishing season commences with a flourish
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:陈锴跃、张德钢、李旭、钱瑜、李晓雨、曾柯权、詹翔闵、余胜容、蚁璐雅 发表时间:2024-08-17 23:53

A bounty of "fresh and vibrant seafood" is poised to delight the palates of many! The three-and-a-half-month fishing moratorium in the South China Sea ended on August 16th, 2024, heralding the start of a new chapter of fishing season . Across Guangdong's coastal regions, a vibrant array of opening ceremonies was held, with bustling ports and a fleet of boats setting sail in unison, as fishermen ventured into the South China Sea in pursuit of the season's freshest catch. In just two or three days, these marine treasures are expected to grace the tables of households.



At midday on the 16th, the Hongwan Central Fishing Port in Zhuhai saw hundreds of fishing boats fire up their engines and head out to the vast ocean, signaling the commencement of a new fishing season.

A local fishing boat owner shared that the small boats that set sail on the 16th are anticipated to return within two to three days, with the larger vessels expected to make port in three to four days. The catch, once landed, will be swiftly traded at the port and made readily available to the public.

In Zhuhai, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, there exists a unique group known as the "Hong Kong and Macao mobile fishermen ". They benefit from a special policy of dual household registration exclusive to Guangdong Province, allowing them to work and live between the Pearl River Delta and the territories of Hong Kong and Macao. These fishermen are a vital part of the fishing force that has set sail from Zhuhai towards the South China Sea.

"Guishan Port is very close to Hong Kong. We arrived at Guishan Port five days ago to stock up on ice, water, and fuel, and to repair the nets, making full preparations for our voyage. The customs procedures are also very convenient. We are hopeful for a bountiful catch as soon as we cast our nets," expressed Mr. Chen, the owner of the No. 4620 Zhu Gui fishing boat.


At midday on the 16th, as the fishing moratorium ended, the fishing boats from Zhongshan's Hengmen Fishing Port hoisted their sails and embarked on their journey. At the same time, a distinctive opening festival and water sports event, complemented by a culinary marketplace, commenced in Zhongshan Cuiheng New District (Nanlang Street), vividly presenting the profound charm of the Danjia culture .

Ms. Wang, a tourist from Shenzhen, drove with her family to participate in the Hengmen fishing opening event. "I have always heard about the exquisite seafood from Hengmen, and today I finally had the opportunity to taste it," she said, "It was very convenient for us to get here in just over ten minutes after exiting the highway. The cultural atmosphere here is strong, and the children can immerse themselves in the unique Danjia culture ."

The Hengmen fishing opening event will last until the 18th.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News









16日中午,随着伏季休渔期结束,一艘艘蓄势待发的渔船从中山横门渔港扬帆起航。同时,“伟人故里疍家情 2024中山翠亨新区(南朗街道)横门开渔暨水上风情运动会-南朗特色美食创业集市”在这里举行。



文、图 | 记者 陈锴跃 张德钢 李旭 钱瑜 李晓雨 曾柯权 詹翔闵 余胜容 蚁璐雅(部分内容由实习生、通讯员提供)
翻译 | 史洋溢
英文审校 | 林佳岱