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Earthquake warning mini program launched nationwide in China
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王丹阳 发表时间:2024-08-03 23:30

On August 2nd, China Earthquake Networks Center launched a nationwide public test for its WeChat warning service. Regions such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Hainan have gradually rolled out local earthquake warning services. WeChat users across the country can now activate earthquake warnings through the mini program on WeChat.

Starting today, users can search for "中国地震台网" (China Earthquake Networks Center) or "地震预警" (Earthquake Warning) on WeChat to access the mini program. By clicking "开启地震预警" (Activate Earthquake Early Warning) and allowing "地震预警通知" (Earthquake Warning Notifications) and "获取位置" (Location Access), users can subscribe to the earthquake warning service. At the press conference for the completion and acceptance of the National Earthquake Early Warning Project , China Earthquake Administration stated that this method allows users to receive earthquake warnings more conveniently and quickly, regardless of the brand or model of their mobile phones.

WeChat has built an independent, scalable messaging channel for earthquake warnings, capable of pushing messages to high-concurrency users within seconds. When an earthquake with potentially destructive impact occurs, WeChat will issue a full-screen alert, continuously reminding users to take timely precautionary measures. Additionally, users can send high-frequency sound rescue signals through the mini program to call for help if trapped. Different levels of earthquake impact correspond to different warning colors and messages. For minor impacts, notifications will only appear in the WeChat service notifications.

The National Earthquake Intensity Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Project (referred to as the "National Earthquake Early Warning Project ") was launched in 2018 and passed national acceptance on July 25th this year. The project's operation marks the completion of a new generation of independently innovated, open, and compatible earthquake monitoring and early warning technology systems in China. The overall functionality and performance have reached world-advanced levels, enabling second-level earthquake warnings in key regions and nationwide minute-level earthquake intensity reports. This provides more reliable earthquake safety assurances for high-quality economic and social development.

When an earthquake occurs, early warnings are issued by capturing the limited early earthquake signals from the epicenter through a dense network of observation stations. These signals are used to quickly estimate earthquake-related parameters and predict the subsequent earthquake motion and impact range in real time. The warning is issued before the destructive earthquake motion arrives. Utilizing the seconds to tens of seconds provided by the early warning system, the public can take measures to reduce casualties. Relevant departments can also take emergency measures for major infrastructure, lifeline projects, and important facilities, such as emergency braking of high-speed trains, timely closure of gas pipelines, shutting down nuclear reactors, stopping the operation of precision instruments, and emergency stopping of elevators at the nearest floors to prevent secondary disasters.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







文|记者 王丹阳
译 | 郑圣浩
英文审校 | 王枥焓