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Summer archaeology workshop: discoveries from five prospective university students in the museum lab
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:文艺 发表时间:2024-07-06 22:39

On the morning of July 4th, the archaeology lab at the Museum of Two Mausoleums of Southern Han State welcomed some special "staff"—five prospective university students who recently completed their college entrance exams. Under the guidance of professional archaeologists, these students embarked on an exciting and educational experience in the lab at the Nansha Lujing site in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

At the museum's public archaeology activity center, Huang Bixiong, the study tour instructor from the Guangzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology introduced the basics of archaeology to students: its definition, the process of excavations, and the importance of lab archaeology. With foundational knowledge, the students eagerly followed Huang to the lab.

Zhang Qianglu, director of the Guangzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, who once led the excavation of the Nansha Lujiang site, provided an overview. The site from the pre-Qin period (before 221 B.C.), which dates back 4,500 to 3,500 years, spans the late Neolithic Age to the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 B.C.). The No. 1 tomb at the site is one of the latest relic units from this period, over 3,500 years old, marking Guangzhou's first discovery of a human tomb from over three millennia ago.

"These primary deposits require further archaeological excavation. Your task today is to clean this tomb layer by layer and carefully extract the pottery shards and other artifacts," Zhang explained. When he introduced the basic operation specifications, the five students were eager to begin. 

They suited up in uniform work clothes and selected their excavation tools. They were surrounded by the wooden case, and they started to excavate one visible piece. However, the excavation was not smooth. The tomb had been stored in a warehouse for years, and the soil had become very hard as the moisture evaporated. 

Under Huang's guidance, the students switched from bamboo sticks to sturdier tools like trowels and scrapers and used water to soften the soil, gradually making progress.

Bones, pottery shards, shells—artifact after artifact was successfully unearthed by the students. They then photographed the artifacts with professional cameras, filled out labels with detailed information, and bagged each item. Therefore, each artifact had its own "ID card".

Observing, excavating, cleaning, photographing, recording, and extracting—following the strict archaeological procedures, the students were thoroughly engaged in their tasks.

Xi Yepeng, from Shenzhen High School of Science, shared his enthusiasm. He loves visiting museums and has developed an interest in archaeology and history. He traveled from Shenzhen by high-speed train early that morning to participate in the event.

"It's a rare opportunity to get firsthand experience in an archaeological setting, so I really wanted to try it out. I applied for the history undergraduate program at Sun Yat-sen University for the 2024 admissions, still awaiting the results. This event also gave me a chance to experience the work environment in the museum," Xi said.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News












文、图 | 记者 文艺 通讯员 粤文旅宣 (除署名外)
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