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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Seaside counties emerging as popular summer destinations
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2024-07-05 19:54

As the summer vacation begins for schools across China, the two-month tourism peak has arrived. According to a summer market forecast report from an online travel platform, the top ten domestic tourist cities based on booking data are Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Urumqi, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Nanjing, and Shenzhen.

However, beyond these big cities, lower-tier cities and counties are also showing vitality. In particular, coastal counties have emerged as popular destinations, only second to the trending Xinjiang region this year.

As summer temperatures rise, several coastal counties have gained popularity for their cool, comfortable climates, scenic beauty, and cost-effectiveness, making them attractive spots for summer vacations. According to the Dazhong Dianping platform (Dianping.com), searches for terms like "end of the Earth", "blue tears", and "double moon bay" are frequent, with "places with sea breezes" becoming a new trend in county-level tourism this summer.

The data from Meituan shows that in the past month, six of the top ten counties for cultural and tourism bookings are coastal cities: Rongcheng city in Shandong Province, Pingtan county in Fujian Province, Huidong county in Guangdong Province, Changli county in Hebei Province, Dongshan county in Fujian Province, and Nan'ao county in Guangdong Province. These locations have seen year-on-year growth in booking volumes of 154.9%, 73.4%, 89.5%, 87.4%, 204.2%, and 121.5%, respectively.

"I headed to the easternmost tip of the Shandong Peninsula as soon as summer vacation started, witnessing the first sunrise of July at the 'end of the Earth' in Chengshantou," said Ma Chao, a student from Zhengzhou city. After researching niche coastal cities, he chose Rongcheng for its proximity. "With an average summer temperature of just 25°C, mountains and sea, and affordable prices, it's perfect for "military-style" travel favored by college students, which is a new kind of tourism features visiting multiple scenic spots in a short and intense period," he said.

In Pingtan county of Fujian Province, July and August are still a prime time to witness "blue tears." The bioluminescent algae gradually fade by the end of June as temperatures rise, but the blue-glowing insects remain active, appearing on the shore with the evening tide. In the past month, searches for "Pingtan blue tears" on Dianping.com have increased by 71.6% year-on-year.

"Everyone thinks April is the best time to see 'blue tears', but you can also see them in July with fewer crowds and a better experience", said Liu Lu, who planned her off-peak trip to Pingtan after researching on local lifestyle platforms earlier this year. "Summer at the beach with sea breezes, seafood, sunrise and sunset views makes people feel more romantic than spring."

In Guangdong, visiting Nan'ao Island in Shantou for snorkeling, clam digging, and sea fishing has become a must-do summer activity for residents of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

As July began, Wang Zhuoran, who works in Hong Kong, headed north to Shantou city for his annual leave. "I've always wanted to snorkel in the clear waters of Nan'ao Island. I bought a group package that includes rental equipment and travel insurance, so I can enjoy the trip worry-free", he said.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News











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