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​Sipping tea, listening to music: Traditional live houses in old Canton
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:郑紫薇、李婕舒、赵翊辰、林润祺 发表时间:2024-07-06 13:15

A "live house" refers to a small indoor venue for music performances, and attending live shows has become a popular lifestyle. For the elderly residents of Guangzhou, a century ago, a "live house" existed where the songs sung here have spanned a hundred years, remaining timeless. This place is the "Wing Wah Tea House", the only existing time-honored Cantonese opera teahouse in Guangzhou.

Wing Wah Tea House, located on Longjin East Road in Liwan District, Guangzhou Province, was established in 1876 and turns 148 years old this year. Initially a brick-and-wood structure, Wing Wah Tea House underwent renovations in 1993, transforming into a four-story building with a stage on the third floor for theatrical performances by opera troupes. This type of Cantonese opera performance hosted in a teahouse setting is called a Cantonese opera teahouse.

The Cantonese opera teahouse combines the ritual of "One cup, two pieces" with the elegance of Cantonese musical artistry. The peak performance hours at Wing Wah Tea House are in the afternoon, attracting not only regular patrons but also opera aficionados who cherish this cultural connection. Here, tea fosters friendships, and the allure of this traditional live house occasionally draws young people to experience its charm.

The creation of Cantonese opera mostly stems from classic folk stories, covering themes from personal emotions to national sentiments. For over a century, the Cantonese opera melodies at Wing Wah Tea House have resonated with life's joys and sorrows. During leisure time, why not visit Wing Wah Tea House's Cantonese opera spot to experience the charm of the traditional live house?

Source :Yangcheng Evening News

边“叹”茶边听曲,老广也有自己的传统Live house

Live house通常指的是一种小型室内音乐演出场所,去Live house听Live现已成为一种人们流行的生活方式。而对于老广街坊来说,百年前,广州就有一家“Live house”,这里传出的歌声穿越百年,历久弥新。它就是广州“现存唯一老字号粤曲茶楼”——荣华楼。


粤曲茶座,一半是一盅两件,一半是粤韵风华。午后是荣华楼演出的最高潮时段,来这里捧场的除了老食客,还有老戏迷,因戏结缘,以茶会友,偶尔会出现一些年轻面孔,来感受传统Live house的魅力。

粤曲粤剧的创作大多源于民间经典故事,小到爱恨情仇,大到家国情怀。荣华楼的粤曲歌声穿越一个多世纪,唱出人间冷暖,离合悲欢。闲暇时间,大家不妨来荣华楼的粤剧茶座,感受传统Live house的魅力。

总策划 | 郑华如 周乐瑞
统筹、策划、出镜 | 郑紫薇
文字 | 李婕舒
 拍摄 | 赵翊辰 实习生 李雨萌
剪辑 | 林润祺
 场务 | 许伟瑜
造型道具 | 龙丽丽
翻译 | 肖凯欣