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Northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles: one-year anniversary sees over 950,000 cross-boundary journeys
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李旭 发表时间:2024-07-01 21:42

The "northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles" policy has reached its one-year anniversary, with data from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Station showing significant milestones. Since its implementation on July 1st, 2023, until 4:00PM on June 30th, 2024, the number of vehicles traveling northbound through the inspection station has surpassed 950,000 trips. More than 82,000 drivers and over 67,000 vehicles have completed border inspection registration.

Self-driving northbound has become one of the most popular cross-boundary travel methods for Hong Kong residents. According to statistics from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Station, the monthly growth rate of "northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles" through the Zhuhai road port has exceeded 33.8% since the policy's implementation. Particularly since the beginning of this year, the monthly average number of northbound vehicles has reached 113,000 trips, 16 times the number in the first month of the policy, and continues to show a monthly increase. Currently, single-plate vehicles from Hong Kong account for 33% of the daily passenger vehicle clearance at the port.

"With the'northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles' initiative, traveling to the Chinese mainlandhas become more time-efficient and convenient, offering great value for money. The experience is quite pleasant. Previously, we would usually choose to travel to nearby countries like Japan, South Korea, or Southeast Asian countries during summer vacations. Now, my family is more interested in heading north to explore different cities in the Greater Bay Area," said Mr. Chen, a driver of a Hong Kong single-plate car. Recently,he took his family to Guangzhou to watch a dragon boat race, and now they are planning to visit Qingyuan in northern Guangdong for some rafting and to escape the summer heat.

Driving north via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge for tourism, leisure, and shopping has become a popular trend among Hong Kong residents. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable on weekends and holidays. According to border control statistics, the average daily traffic of single-plate cars from Hong Kong on weekends and holidays has reached 6,600 vehicles, accounting for over 42% of the total passenger car traffic at the port. On April 6th, the highest single-day traffic reached 8,840 vehicles, setting a new record since the policy was implemented.

The trend of "northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles" not only provides convenience for the leisure and entertainment of Hong Kong residents but also creates more opportunities for young people in Hong Kong to start businesses and find employment. For instance, earlier this year, Chen Guoshen, a Hong Kong youth, established a media company in Zhuhai, which primarily handles the promotion of cultural and tourism information from the Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong. "The Chinese mainland businesses now place more emphasis on promotions towards Hong Kong, and Hong Kong residents are more interested in information about the Greater Bay Area. To create promotional products themed around 'northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles,' we personally drive single-plate cars to various places to experience and promote products, which has received very positive feedback. More businesses are contacting us for cooperation," he said.

The trend of "northbound travel for Hong Kong vehicles" has made travel between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao more convenient, significantly promoting the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area. Since the beginning of this year, passenger and vehicle traffic through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has continued to grow rapidly, with the number of passengers exceeding 12.5 million, up 113% year-on-year. The vehicle traffic has exceeded 2.5 million, up 102% year-on-year. Among them, the number of Hong Kong passengers has surpassed 5.15 million, a year-on-year increase of 185%, accounting for over 40% of the total port passenger traffic.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News








文丨记者 李旭 通讯员 王相国