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500-day countdown to the 15th National Games: Culture Exchange Sharing Session Held
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:艾修煜 发表时间:2024-06-27 20:52

On June 26th, the event "500-Day Countdown to the 15th National Games, Get Together in Guangzhou: China-Italy Sports Culture Exchange Sharing Session" was held in Guangzhou, the millennium-old commercial hub and starting point of the Maritime Silk Road. Guests from China and Italy shared touching stories of sports and cultural exchanges between the two countries, expressing their anticipation for the National Games 2025 co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao.

At the event, Cai Qizi, champion of the 29th and 31st Trampoline Gymnastics World Championships, reflected emotionally on her athletic career.

"Looking back, I am very grateful to our country for providing the best equipment and support for athletes," Cai Qizi said.

She believes that sports act as a bridge connecting different countries and cultures. Through sports exchanges, techniques and experiences can be shared. More importantly, friendships and respect can be cultivated. She is confident such exchanges will promote understanding and peace, fostering cultural exchanges and mutual understanding.

Discussing the upcoming National Games, Cai Qizi conveyed her blessings and wishes: "With excitement, I look forward to athletes from across the country enjoying the culinary feast of Guangzhou and competing at their best, bringing spectacular performances to the audience."

At the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Italy, as the host of the next Winter Olympics, delivered an impressive 8-minute performance. One of the performers, Marika Ayana, was also invited to the 500-day countdown event, where she held a concert at the Guangzhou Opera House. She expressed her great expectations for the art and sports exchanges between China and Italy and wished for the success of the 2025 National Games.

Regarding the National Games, Marika Ayana said, "Today, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the life of Guangzhou. It was wonderful! I hope to learn more Chinese words during the National Games beyond 'thank you' to express my feelings."

At the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, race walkers Zhang Jun and Qieyang Shijie won gold medals. Their former physical coach, Angelo Pavia from Italy, was even more excited than they were. Transitioning from a sports traveler like "Marco Polo" to a son-in-law in a Guangzhou family, Angelo Pavia expressed his gratitude for what sports have taught him and the children: perseverance, commitment, and resilience in the face of defeat.

De Parolis, Consul General of Italy in Guangzhou, said he was pleased to see the China-Italy Sports Culture Exchange Sharing Session become a platform for friendly exchanges among people from various sectors of China and Italy. He hoped everyone would cherish the opportunity for dialogue, promote cross-cultural exchanges, and jointly embrace a diverse and peaceful world.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News


6月26日,“十五运会倒计时500天 相聚在广州——中意体育文化交流故事会”在海上丝绸之路的起点、千年商都——广州精彩呈现,来自中国和意大利的嘉宾分享两国体育交往、文化交流的动人故事,共同期盼2025粤港澳全运会的到来。







在2023年杭州亚运会的赛场上,竞走运动员张俊、切阳什姐夺冠后,有一个人比他们俩还激动,这个人就是张俊、切阳什姐的前体能教练——意大利人安吉洛·帕维亚(Angelo Pavia)。从体育界的旅行家“马可·波罗”转变为广州女婿,安吉洛·帕维亚感谢体育教会了他和孩子们什么是坚韧不拔,全心投入,败而不馁。


文丨记者 艾修煜
译 | 郑圣浩