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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
International students celebrate Chinese Language Carnival at GDUFS
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-06-19 23:05

On June 14th, the 2024 Chinese Language Carnival for International Students was held at the Yunshan Hall on the North Campus of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). Before the evening event, Chinese and international students wore traditional Hanfu clothing, creating a vibrant cultural tapestry that told timeless stories and showcased the enduring charm of Eastern culture.

In her opening speech, Cai Hong, Dean of the Institute for International Education at GDUFS, emphasized that language is a carrier of culture and a bridge connecting people across borders. She hoped that the event would allow participants to appreciate the beauty of the Chinese language and the depth of Chinese culture, foster understanding and respect between different cultures, and enhance friendship among people from various countries.

The event featured dynamic musical performances, including song medleys "Love from GDUFS" and "Just Met You" by both Chinese and international students. Dressed in elegant traditional garments such as horse-face skirts and ruqun dresses, international students recited the classic Chinese poem "Prelude to Water Melody: How Long Will the Full Moon Last?" in multiple languages. The verses "though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she displays" bridged time and cultural gaps, conveying shared emotions and friendships.

Accompanied by melodious music, international students performed a fan dance titled "Left Hand Pointing to the Moon". The fans in the dancers' hands transformed gracefully, sometimes spinning lightly, other times opening and closing like a storm, vividly expressing the profound essence of classical Chinese culture.

The carnival concluded with a group singing of the university's anthem, "Phoenix Singing in Lingnan". The audience remained captivated by the boundless allure of Chinese culture and the impressive performances of the international students.

Tran Nguyet Anh, a Vietnamese student performer, shared her excitement with reporters, saying, "I am delighted to showcase our carefully rehearsed Chinese dance at the Chinese Language Carnival. Through practicing Chinese dance, I have experienced its unique blend of strength and grace. I hope for more opportunities like this to immerse myself in learning Chinese language and culture."

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







