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Analysis: Putin's visit to DPRK raises Western concerns
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:钱克锦 发表时间:2024-06-18 23:30

Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to make a state visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from June 18th to 19th. According to media from the Republic of Korea (ROK), DPRK is planning a grand ceremony to welcome Putin, and during the visit, the two countries are expected to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement.

Naturally, the West is "deeply concerned" about the development of Russia-DPRK relations. Their concerns primarily focus on three aspects:

I. Increasing military cooperation between Russia and DPRK

The ongoing stalemate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has led both sides to require large quantities of artillery and ammunition. While the West is making every effort to aid Ukraine, it also seeks to cut off Russia's external support. However, there are beliefs in the West that the DPRK is supplying significant amounts of artillery and ammunition to Russia.

ROK sources have claimed that from August last year to February this year, DPRK delivered 6,700 containers of weapons and ammunition to Russia. Both Russia and DPRK have denied these claims, calling them "mad rumors." Nonetheless, the West remains suspicious of DPRK ammunition being provided to Russia.

The West believes that if DPRK supplies ammunition to Russia, Russia might reciprocate with missile, submarine, and even space technology, potentially leading to advancements in DPRK's missile, submarine, and nuclear capabilities. This possibility deeply worries the West.

II. Comprehensive cooperation between Russia and DPRK

Since the full-scale outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, DPRK has been one of Russia's "most steadfast supporters." In an op-ed published in DPRK's Rodong Sinmun on June 18th, Putin expressed gratitude for DPRK's firm support of Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine and their alignment on international platforms such as the United Nations.

During this period, interactions between the two countries have become more frequent and in-depth. According to statistics from ROK's Ministry of Unification, there have been 18 high-level exchanges (meetings, international conferences, talks) between DPRK and Russia this year. This cooperation is not limited to military and economic aspects but could also significantly reshape regional international relations.

For instance, ahead of this visit, Putin stated that Russia and DPRK would develop a trade and settlement system independent of Western control, jointly opposing unilateral and illegal restrictive measures. This refers to Western sanctions imposed on both countries.

These indications suggest that the cooperation between Russia and DPRK could significantly impact the international landscape of Northeast Asia and even the Asia-Pacific region.

III. The West fearing DPRK becoming more difficult to handle 

Some Western commentators believe that Putin's state visit to DPRK brings a dual advantage for the DPRK government. On one hand, Putin's visit and the subsequent Russia-DPRK cooperation thrust DPRK into the international spotlight, enhancing its global standing. On the other hand, the visit bolsters the DPRK government's domestic prestige, reinforcing its authority and stability.

 The West has long pursued a strategy of sanctioning and isolating the DPRK government. Therefore, any positive developments for DPRK naturally cause significant concern in the West.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News
















文丨羊城晚报国际评论员 钱克锦