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Why the Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament is a must-see event
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:梁怿韬、徐炜伦 发表时间:2024-06-17 23:32

On June 16th, the annual Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament took place. The section of the Pearl River running through Guangzhou was transformed into a scene of "Fast and the Furious" as dragon boats gathered for the competition.


In Guangdong, the dragon boat gatherings during the Dragon Boat Festival are often referred to as "Jing (scene)." This year's "Guangzhou dragon boat gathering" attracted 111 dragon boat teams and nearly 4,000 athletes. Participants included local teams from Guangzhou and other cities in Guangdong province, Hong Kong, Macao, as well as international teams from the United States, Canada, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan.

With so many dragon boat gatherings happening, why do people choose to witness the one in Guangzhou?

One of the closest teams to the racecourse was the Sun Yat-sen University dragon boat team, as the racecourse was right outside the university's north gate. Tian Liang, the coach of the Sun Yat-sen University dragon boat team and a world champion rower, spoke highly of the event: "The Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament is one of the most formal and significant competitions in China. Participating in such a competition is a great experience for university dragon boat teams."

A highlight of the Guangzhou dragon boat race has always been the challenge posed by teams from Hong Kong and Macao to the local teams. On June 16th, the racecourse on the Pearl River welcomed the Hong Kong Leli Dragon Boat Team, participating for the first time in Guangzhou. "We've always wanted to compete in Guangzhou. This year, we learned that other Hong Kong teams had been invited, so we asked them to convey our wish to participate, and we were also invited," said Tan Shuxian, a member of the Hong Kong Leli Dragon Boat Team.

The race also saw returning teams, such as the Macao Canoe General Association, which sent both men's and women's teams this year. "We've been coming to compete in Guangzhou for over ten years and have won several top rankings," said Zhou Gen, leader of the Macao Canoe General Association men's dragon boat team. "We have a deep affection for Guangzhou, and we are very happy to compete here again," added Liang Yuqing, a member of the women's team.

Guangzhou is an international metropolis, and the development of dragon boat racing in this city often sees innovative breakthroughs. One such innovation is the formation of the Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Team, which breaks the nationality barrier by including both expatriates from China and other countries. "Guangzhou is our home, and competing on the Pearl River is very important to us," said David White, the British general manager of the team. Over the past year, the team has competed in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea, but they never miss the events in Guangzhou.

"Dining in Guangzhou" is one of the city's biggest attractions for visitors. Participants in this year's Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament were equally eager to sample the city's renowned cuisine.

"Our team members all know that Guangzhou is a food paradise. Coming to Guangzhou, we hope to taste more of its famous dishes," said Tan Shuxian. They hope to explore the city's culinary delights beyond the meals provided at the event. "Guangzhou has many delicious foods that attract our team members," added Zhou Gen. Each trip to Guangzhou combines dragon boat racing with culinary experiences, making the participants very happy.

"In my eyes, Guangzhou is the most livable city in China," said David White. He hopes that dragon boat enthusiasts from all over the world will not only come to race or tour but also consider staying to live and work after deepening their connection with the city.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News












文、图|记者 梁怿韬 徐炜伦
译 | 刘佳慧