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Guangdong's new Chinese-style animation debuts in France
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉 发表时间:2024-06-12 22:18

From June 9th to 15th, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, often referred to as the "Oscars of Animation," took place in Annecy, France. Several outstanding Chinese animation works were showcased at the China Pavilion.

In recent years, many Chinese animations have drawn from traditional culture while incorporating innovative twists. During the 2024 MIFA (Marché International du Film d'Animation) at Annecy, the Guangdong-Europe Animation Film Promotion Symposium highlighted several top-tier films from Guangdong. Among them, the new Chinese-style animated film "Fall into the Mortal Realm," set to be released this summer, garnered significant attention from the international market.

"This film is based on the Chinese folktale 'The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl,' one of China's Four Great Folktales," explained Yan Bing, Vice President of Winsing Animation. "It follows the adventures of Jinfeng, the descendant of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. He enters the mortal realm to atone for his mother's sins by subduing celestial beings. He unexpectedly teams up with Xiaofan, a mortal girl seeking to reunite with her mother in the celestial realm."

Yan Bing, Vice President of Winsing Animation, highlighted that the work is the first film to bring the myth of the 28 Lunar Mansions to the big screen. It weaves distinctive traditional cultural symbols into its narrative. The film brought together over 50 top production teams and more than 2,000 animation artists, taking five years to complete.

Winsing Animation, one of the pioneers in "cultural export," began its international market expansion in 2008. Since 2019, its "GG Bond" film series has been exported, now reaching over 40 countries and regions including the USA, Canada, and the Republic of Korea. Winsing's films, such as "GG Bond: Ocean Diary" and "New GG Bond: Super Racing," were also featured at the Annecy Festival.

Of particular note is Winsing's educational animation IP "GoGo Bus," which has become a favorite among international audiences. Chinese animation is increasingly becoming a staple in children's entertainment worldwide. This year, several "GoGo Bus" episodes premiered and re-aired on Indonesia's RTV, and the IP has been integrated into Indonesian schools, engaging deeply with local children.








文丨记者 黄宙辉 通讯员 龙金莲