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Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin marks 100 days of segregated management policy, with benefits emerging
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李旭 发表时间:2024-06-11 22:06

On March 1st, the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin ("the Hengqin Cooperation Zone") implemented a new segregated management policy for goods and personnel, featuring streamlined "first-line" and controlled "second-line" management. After 100 days, the policy has been implemented smoothly, and its benefits are becoming increasingly apparent.

According to Gongbei Customs statistics (as of June 9th), over 600,000 vehicles have passed through the "first-line" Hengqin Port, marking a year-on-year increase of approximately 12.3%. Additionally, around 533,000 Macao residents have swiftly passed through the New Home Passage. On the "second line," more than 4.81 million vehicles have been processed, indicating the positive effects of the segregated management policy.

"I work in Hengqin and commute daily between Hengqin and Macao in my private car. Passing through the inspection hall is very fast, taking less than five minutes from getting off in Macao to get in the car in Hengqin. The 'dual-city' lifestyle is becoming increasingly convenient," said Tan Shimin, a Macao resident.

Customs authorities have continuously optimized measures to enhance the ease of clearance. In the outbound inspection hall, the original two baggage scanners for security and customs checks have been combined into a single X-ray machine shared by both departments. This "one machine, two screens, and one check" model allows passengers to pass through with their luggage more efficiently. Additionally, the establishment of the "New Home Convenient Passage" in both the inspection hall and the vehicle personnel clearance hall facilitates easier clearance for Macao residents carrying over 300 types of animals and plants, improving their overall experience.

"On May 31st, our company obtained the production license, and we expect to start production by the end of June. Prior to this, customs provided us with policy interpretation and training. Our internal calculations indicate that we meet the '30% value-added processing for domestic sales duty-free' policy, which will reduce product costs and enhance our market competitiveness," said Lv Yutao, General Manager of Feihe Hengqin Factory.

This policy is for goods produced by enterprises within the Hengqin Cooperation Zone that use imported materials and achieve a value-added processing rate of 30% or more. Such goods can enter the Chinese mainland via the "second line" without incurring import duties but are subject to import VAT and consumption tax as per regulations.

Additionally, following the implementation of the segregated management policy, the duty-free policy for goods entering the cooperation zone from Macao via the "first-line" Hengqin Port has been further expanded. The range of entities eligible for duty-free imports now includes enterprises, social organizations, and private non-enterprise units, among others, with the list of non-exempt goods significantly shortened. Goods imported by entities within the Hengqin Cooperation Zone are granted bonded status. These measures will bring multiple benefits to the coordinated development of Hengqin and Macao, injecting new momentum into Macao's long-term development.

Currently, 61 entities have obtained duty-free import status, and another 25 entities have passed the initial review for duty-free status. These entities are involved in key industries such as technological research and development, high-end manufacturing, cultural tourism, convention and exhibition business, and trade.










文丨记者 李旭 通讯员 师琳泠