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Enjoy 210 activities of the intangible cultural heritages in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:周欣怡 发表时间:2024-06-10 00:00

During the Dragon Boat Festival, Guangzhou hosts a series of rich and varied intangible cultural heritage events. Over 210 activities are scheduled to take place during the Dragon Boat Festival and throughout the month of June.

From June 1st to 10th, the "2024 Guangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Open Days" will host a record-breaking 192 activities, surpassing the previous years' numbers, including exhibitions, experiential classes, lectures, study tours, medical consultations, performances, competitions, handicraft workshops, online live streaming, and more, covering over 80 intangible cultural heritage projects. Nearly a hundred inheritors of intangible cultural heritage will showcase their unique skills during this period.

On June 5th, 2024, the main event of the "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" was held in Shawan, Panyu, unveiling the first intangible cultural heritage ancient town in Guangdong, known as "Shawan Intangible Cultural Heritage Ancient Town". This event marked the commencement of a series of intangible cultural heritage activities across the city.

On June 8th, the event kicked off with a roughly 4-hour live broadcast. It adopts the format of "intangible cultural heritage + live streaming", allowing viewers to virtually explore the Beijing Road Scenic Area and the South China Agricultural Museum,experience the charm of intangible cultural heritage online, and engage in real-time interactive interviews with inheritors. On the same day, a special lecture titled "Adaptation of the Script of 'Princess Cheung Ping'" was delivered by Professor and Doctoral Supervisor Dong Shangde from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Sun Yat-sen University, attracting a full house of Cantonese opera enthusiasts who left with a wealth of insights.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of Cantonese opera being listed in UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Guangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center has initiated the Cantonese Opera Excellent Folk Group Performance Season. In the latter half of June, they will organize special performances featuring Cantonese opera by children, along with lectures dedicated to Cantonese opera. These events aim to allow audiences to immerse themselves in the charm of Cantonese opera while gain insights into both its artistic performances and cultural significance.

As of now, Guangzhou has identified a total of 546 representative intangible cultural heritage projects at various levels. Among them are 2 items listed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, 21 at the national level, 95 at the provincial level, and 216 at the municipal level, which have added a brilliant touch to the intangible cultural heritage scene in Guangzhou. In addition, Guangzhou has established intangible cultural heritage gathering areas, showcases, and shops in scenic spots such as Xiguan Yongqing Fang, Shawan Ancient Town, Beijing Road, and the Canton Tower, aiming to enhance the integration and development of intangible cultural heritage with tourism, commerce, and other sectors.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News








文、图|记者 周欣怡 通讯员 穗文广旅宣
翻译 | 林佳岱