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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Photos|People in Lingnan celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with various activities
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:钟振彬 发表时间:2024-06-10 00:01

As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, the Lingnan region once again welcomes the annual spectacle of dragon boat races. From bustling city areas to tranquil riverside towns, the rhythmic drumming and cheers of the dragon boat activities resonate throughout.

Recently, dragon boat activities have been in full swing in various Guangdong cities. In Dongguan, Guangzhou, Foshan, and other areas, beautifully decorated dragon boats compete bravely on the rippling rivers, attracting numerous locals and tourists to come and watch. These dragon boats not only embody Lingnan people's love for traditional culture but also showcase a new vitality of Lingnan folk customs in the modern era.

In Xiasa Village, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, the masterful making of dragon heads is in progress. Zhang Weichao, a renowned dragon-head-making master in the village, is diligently carving the dragon heads with full concentration. His carving knife dances on the blocks of wood, giving birth to the vividly lifelike dragon heads.

The "Caiqing" ceremony (literally meaning "plucking the greens"), which involves gathering ritual items such as fresh longan leaves (symbolizing exuberance) and cypress branches (symbolizing everlasting vitality), is a prelude to the dragon boat activities during the Dragon Boat Festival. Following that, colorful silk balls made of red cloth will be hung on the dragon heads to pray for good luck. Subsequently, the dragon heads and tails that have been worshipped will be mounted on the dragon boats, and the dragon boat will then be set off from the river mouth. A bundle of young and fresh rice seedlings will be collected from the rice fields along the Pearl River to pray for peace and a bountiful harvest. As the central area of Guangzhou, Tianhe District is particularly lively with Caiqing activities among various villages, with many villagers flocking to the riverside to pray for blessings for their own dragon boats.

Chebei River and Shen River, as the venues for dragon boat races in Tianhe District, attract numerous spectators every year. This year's competition here is particularly fierce, with teams giving it their all to vie for the championship.

In addition to the thrilling dragon boat races, the exchange activities between different villages are also an important part of Lingnan dragon boat culture. During this special festival, villagers will make friendly contact with dragon boat teams from other villages. A dragon boat feast is an essential element of this tradition, where everyone sits together, enjoying delicious food, having small talks, and sharing the joy and warmth brought by the dragon boat culture.

In Nanhai District, Foshan, the unique dragon boat drifting attracts the attention of many tourists. This drifting skill originates from the boat-rowing techniques passed down from generation to generation in Diejiao Village. Its characteristics lie in the ability to make rapid turns and agile maneuvering in narrow river channels. During the competition, rowers need to rely on their superb skills and seamless coordination to accomplish various difficult drifting maneuvers.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News









文、图|记者 钟振彬