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Adorable animals celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with 'Zongzi' treats
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黎存根、邓勃 发表时间:2024-06-07 22:59

Eating Zongzi, a traditional activity for every household during the Dragon Boat Festival, isn't just for humans anymore. This year, more than 500 different species of animals at Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park will also enjoy their own "Zongzi" treats, celebrating the festival with the visitors. Wu Zhenhong, the host of the famous giant panda "afternoon tea", also joined in the festivities of this Dragon Boat Festival, leading visitors in creating exquisite "Zongzi" for the animals.

On June 6th, keepers of Proboscis Monkeys, Black Spider Monkeys, Asian Elephants, Giant Pandas, and Orangutans from Chimelong gathered with children at the Giant Panda Restaurant. They were led by the master food carver, Wu Zhenhong, to learn how to create exquisite Zongzi for the animals.

Under the guidance of Wu Zhenhong, animal keepers and children used bamboo, bamboo shoots, carrots, apple slices, and other favorite fruits of the animals as ingredients to craft round and plump Zongzi.

After the Zongzi-making competition, the highlight of the event began — the super "Dragon Boat Afternoon Tea". Together with Wu Zhenhong, animal keepers and the little apprentices collaborated to create this spectacular display.

The group collaborated to create five "dragon boat" works that combined various elements and features of the Dragon Boat Festival. Animal keepers and children showcased their artistic imagination as they placed the neatly wrapped Zongzi onto the five "dragon boats", creating the largest masterpiece for "Dragon Boat Afternoon Tea". It is worth mentioning that these five "dragon boats" symbolize the five major families of the fifteen pandas at Chimelong.

From June 8th to June 10th, the activity of making Zongzi for animals will take place in four areas within the Chimelong Safari Park: Giant Pandas, Asian Elephants, Mount Huaguoshan, and Giraffes. Under the guidance of the animal keepers, visitors have the opportunity to create delicious food enrichment for various animals such as giant pandas, Asian elephants, monkeys, and giraffes, with two sessions held throughout the day for three consecutive days, totaling six sessions.

Visitors who wish to participate in the interactive activity can consult with the staff and register on-site in the above-mentioned four areas within the Park. You can then receive a Zongzi ingredient pack for crafting. Once the Zongzi is made, it can be fed to more than 500 different species of animals in the park.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News









文丨记者 黎存根 通讯员 邓泳怡
图丨记者 邓勃