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Fuchsia: I am impressed by traditional Cantonese cuisine
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:何晶 发表时间:2024-06-04 22:24

Recently, British writer Fuchsia Dunlop's new work "Invitation to a Banquet" was released by Shanghai Translation Publishing House.

Fuchsia grew up in Oxford, England, graduated from the University of Cambridge with a degree in English Literature, and later obtained a master's degree in Chinese Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Since 1994, when she came to China on a scholarship from Sichuan University, Fuchsia has been immersed in Chinese cuisine for 30 years. "Invitation to a Banquet" is her painstaking work in studying the culture and history of Chinese cuisine over the past three decades.

The title of the book "Invitation to a Banquet" comes from a lacquered food plate with a civet cat pattern unearthed from the Mawangdui tomb of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24) in Changsha city, with "Invitation to a Banquet" written by vermilion in the gaps between the cloud patterns inside the plate, aiming to encourage you to enjoy delicious food, reflecting the profound cultural heritage of Chinese cuisine. The Chinese title also complements the English version of "Invitation to a Banquet", which means inviting you toattend a banquet and have a good meal and drink.

Last month, Fuchsia and her friends visited Guangdong again for Cantonese cuisine. She spoke highly of the steamed eggs with standing grain worms, withthe roast goose and seafood being her favorites. In her opinion, Cantonese cuisine is excessively refined, appearing light but actually taking a lot of effort.

In "Invitation to a Banquet", Fuchsia's favorite chapter is "braised pomelo pith with shrimp eggs", which is also one of her favorite traditional Cantonese dishes.

"Pomelo peel doesn't look like an ingredient at all since it looks like a pile of cotton wool. Therefore, in other countries around the world, people would throw it into the trash without hesitation. However, the chefs in Guangdong have found a way to make this ingredient so delicious."

Fuchsia believes that chefs around the world differ in attitudes towards ingredients, which is a philosophically different way of thinking about the world.

"Western chefs may ask, 'Is this edible?' while Chinese chefs wouldsay, 'How can I turn it into something edible?' The seemingly unattractive pomelo peel is transformed into a delicious dish by Chinese chefs using their imagination and cooking skills. Not only does it avoid waste, but it is also full of creativity and ingenuity, which I think is part of the art and culture of Chinese cuisine."

For thousands of years, the Chinese havebeen leading the way in innovative cooking, and it's been very progressive and bold. Fuchsia added, "This cheerful, intelligent, and even humorous approach to innovation is like a textbook for us to learn how to make the most of any potential ingredient at hand, whether it's jellyfish or pomelo peel."

In the face of Michelin restaurants, an entirely Western evaluation system, Fuchsia also has her own views.

"On the one hand, it's a good thing that international foodies start to recognize and embrace Chinese cuisine, and they will also promote Chinese cuisine abroad. However, for Chinese restaurants, Michelin's evaluation criteria may not necessarily be reasonable."

Fuchsia said that Chinese people have always had high demands for food, and there is no need for Chinese chefs to cater to Michelin's evaluation standards.

Currently, in addition to writing, Fuchsia also serves as a consultant for restaurants in the UK, inviting international friends on food-tasting trips to China. Next, she will continue to write stories about Chinese cuisine, leading more people to understand and taste Chinese cuisine.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News




书名《君幸食》来自长沙马王堆汉墓出土的狸猫纹漆食盘,食盘内云纹间隙处朱书“君幸食”,意在劝君享用美食,体现了中国饮食文化的深厚底蕴。《君幸食》也与英文版书名《Invitation to a Banquet》相得益彰,请君赴宴,吃好喝好。











文字丨记者 何晶