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Seven spectacular sub-venues of the China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:郑明达 发表时间:2024-05-23 23:11

During the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF), Shenzhen's Futian District has set up seven sub-venues, each brimming with highlights.

Sino-Finnish Design Park Sub-venue: focused on the 'All in AI' technological trend

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fair and its 10th year hosting by the Sino-Finnish Design Park, this sub-venue shines a spotlight on the "All in AI" technological trend. A series of cultural exchange activities, including the opening ceremony, project presentations, cultural and creative markets, digital art workshops, innovative design exhibitions, and intangible cultural heritage creative exhibitions, are set to unfold.

Shenzhen Creative Design Industrial Park Sub-venue: Showcasing five major AI creative highlights and anticipating new trends in the decoration industry

Themed around "Modern Decoration and Artificial Intelligence," this sub-venue meticulously plans a variety of activities beyond the opening ceremony, including AI-themed exhibitions, salons, and lectures, promising numerous highlights.

Jihong Creative Design Industrial Park Sub-venue: Elevating urban living space aesthetics with AI design

With the theme "Digital Space: AI without Boundaries," Jihong Creative Design Industrial Park will host several events such as the inaugural Digital AI Design Creative Awards ceremony of the Shenzhen Cultural and Creative Industry Association, a symposium on the "Philosophical Considerations of Future AI Design", art exhibitions, and public welfare activities, all aimed at enhancing the urban living space aesthetics.

T8 Tourism Creative (Bonded) Park Sub-venue: Leading the new trend of cultural tourism integration

Scheduled from May 24th to 30th at the T8 Tourism Creative (Bonded) Park, the activities of the 20th ICIF at the T8 Tourism Creative (Bonded) Park aim to explore digital cultural and creative trends. They will uncover cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, VR, and AI, driving high-quality development in the cultural tourism industry through innovation and technology.

Shenzhen Book City Sub-venue: Hosting nearly 20 reading and cultural activities

This ICIF sees innovative breakthroughs at the Shenzhen Book City Sub-venue. By linking with various scenes like the Park Book Bar, it creates a fresh cultural consumption experience. Citizens can now enjoy art and creativity in different cultural settings, immersing themselves in a diverse and inclusive cultural atmosphere. Moreover, plans are in place for nearly 20 reading and cultural activities, with highlights such as the "Citywalk and Learning," a creative lifestyle market featuring activities such as parent-child face painting, traditional Hanfu and hairpin activities, and lacquer fan activities. Additionally, a joint Sino-French book pavilion art installation will be showcased, exhibiting cultural-related books and specialty cultural and creative products from the two countries.

Green Apple Live E-commerce Industrial Park Sub-venue: Hosting a grand live economy industry event

As a key cultural industry park in Futian, the Green Apple Live E-commerce Industrial Park Sub-venue will host a grand live economy industry event. The park will set up outdoor LED screens and invite well-known anchors and internet celebrities to interact live, providing a comprehensive display of the live streaming industry.

Xinzhou Tongchuanghui Science and Technology Cultural and Creative Industrial Park Sub-venue: Exploring the future integration of digital technology and cultural creativity

The park will host creative visual digital exhibitions, such as the "Garfield" digital animation exhibition, "Digital Exploration Camp" experiential activities, and intangible cultural heritage markets. Additionally, the sub-venue will organize two themed lectures on the integration of digital technology and cultural creativity, delving into how to protect and inherit traditional culture in the digital era. Supported by VR, AR, and other technologies, the park will bring attendees closer to the infinite charm of cultural heritages.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News



中芬设计园分会场:聚焦“All in AI”科技新浪潮

今年是文博会创办20周年,也是中芬设计园承办文博会分会场的第10年。第二十届文博会中芬设计园分会场聚焦“All in AI”科技新浪潮,开展分会场开幕式、项目推介会、文创市集、数字艺术工坊、创新设计展、非遗文创展等一系列文化交流活动。




吉虹创意设计产业园将以“数字空间 Al无界”为主题,举办深圳市文化创意行业协会首届数字AI设计创意奖颁奖仪式、“未来AI设计的哲学思考”主题研讨会、艺术作品展、公益活动行等系列活动,提升都市生活空间美学的烟火气息。








新洲同创汇科技文创产业园将举办创意视觉数字化展览、“加菲猫”数字动漫展、“数字化探索营”体验活动 、非遗市集等活动。分会场还将举办2场数字科技及文化创意融合的主题讲座,就数字化时代如何保护传承传统文化进行深入讲解,辅以VR、AR等技术展示,让观众身临其境地感受文化遗产的无穷魅力。

文、图|记者 郑明达