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Video | China to regain its status as Queensland's top international visitor market
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2024-03-24 23:50

From March 18th to 22nd, 2024, Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) held the "Queensland Is Calling" Greater China Roadshow in Shanghai and Guangzhou, China. This is the first time since 2019 that TEQ has held an industry conference in China.

Queensland, known as the "Sunshine State," has always been popular among Chinese tourists and students. China was once the largest international visitor market for Queensland. In 2019, a total of 497,000 Chinese tourists visited Queensland, with total overnight visitor expenditure reaching 1.61 billion Australian dollars.

According to statistics, from January to September 2023, a total of 62,000 Chinese visitors traveled to Queensland, representing a recovery to 13% of the level seen during the same period in 2019. With the continuous recovery of China's outbound tourism, Queensland is expected to fully recover its Chinese market by the Chinese New Year of 2025. From 2025 to 2032, China will regain its position as Queensland's top international visitor market. By 2032, Chinese tourists' total expenditure in the region will exceed 2.9 billion Australian dollars, accounting for 27% of Queensland's total international tourism revenue.

Queensland's Minister for Tourism, Michael Healy, said, "The Chinese market is crucial for Queensland, which has always been popular among Chinese tourists. With more Chinese tourists, we will achieve long-term and steady growth."

Patricia O’Callaghan, CEO of the TEQ, said that since taking office as CEO last year, shehadvisited China three times. "I am pleased to see the Queensland tourism delegation return to the Chinese market to reconnect with everyone. Our grand goal is to double Queensland's international tourism revenue by 2032 compared to the same period in 2019."

Katie Mills, Director of the TEQ, who led the delegation to Guangzhou for this event, said, "This is my fifth visit to Guangzhou, a beautiful city. During this negotiation event, we added cultural experience activities. For example, in Shanghai, we organized Queensland tourism operators to visit Shanghai's Bund and Yuyuan Garden and other areas by double-decker bus. And in Guangzhou, we explored Shamian, Liwan, a district rich in traditional Cantonese culture, and visited Guangzhou's iconic Canton Tower. Through such cultural experience activities, Queensland operators can deepen their understanding of the traditional culture and modern prosperity of these two cities, recognize the diversity and enormous potential of the Chinese market, and thus increase their confidence in the Chinese market."

It is reported that Queensland will strive to become the most-desired tourism destination for Chinese tourists.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News


2024年3月18日至22日,澳大利亚昆士兰旅游及活动推广局相继在上海、广州举办“Queensland Is Calling” 昆士兰旅业大中华区洽谈会。这是自2019年以来昆旅局首次在华举办同业洽谈会。


据统计,2023年1月至9月,共有 62000 名中国访客前往昆士兰州旅行,恢复至2019年同期的13%。随着出境游复苏节奏的不断加快,昆州预计到2025年春节,中国市场将全面恢复;2025年到2032年,中国将恢复昆士兰第一大国际客源国地位;到2032年,中国游客在当地的总消费将超过29亿澳元,占据昆士兰国际旅游总收入的27%。

昆士兰州旅游部长迈克尔·希利先生(Michael Healy)表示:“中国市场是昆士兰的重要市场,昆士兰一直以来深受中国游客的喜爱,我们欢迎更多中国游客的到访,以实现长期稳步增长。”

昆士兰旅游和活动推广局首席执行官欧佩珊女士(Patricia O’Callaghan)表示,自去年担任昆旅局首席执行官以来,她已三次造访中国。“我很高兴看到本次昆士兰旅业代表团回到中国市场与大家重新建立联系。我们的宏伟目标,是到 2032 年实现昆士兰的国际旅游总收入比 2019 年同期翻一番。”

率队前来广州参加本次活动的昆旅局国际部总监缪凯蒂女士(Katie Mills) 说:“这是我第5次来广州,我认为广州是一个很美丽的城市。此次洽谈活动期间,我们特意增加了文化体验环节,包括在上海组织昆士兰旅游业者乘双层巴士游览上海外滩及豫园等地区,在广州走进富有‘老广’文化底蕴的荔湾沙面,并登上广州DBD地标广州塔。通过这样的文化体验,可以让昆士兰的业者深入了解这两座城市的传统文化和现代繁华,认识到中国市场的多元化和巨大潜力,从而增加对中国市场的巨大信心。”


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