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Yingge Dance Surprised London on the First Day of Year of the Loong!“中华战舞”龙年初一惊喜亮相英国伦敦
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:周欣怡、朱绍杰、付怡 发表时间:2024-02-11 13:44

On 10th February, the first day of the Chinese New Year of the Loong, Puning Nanshan Yingge Dance team appeared at the London landmark - Burlington Arcade in London, UK, as an important part of the "Happy Chinese New Year" series of activities, sending new year blessings to overseas Chinese and foreign friends.

The powerful Yingge Dance attracted attention from a large number of London citizens and tourists, demonstrating the wild and brave side of Chinese culture.

Anna, a London resident, brought her son to watch the live performance of Yingge Dance. Her son is learning Chinese culture at school and is especially interested in Chinese New Year customs. "The performance is great from we could see because it is very crowded.” She said that she would like to participate in Chinese New Year activities next year.

Abigail, also a Londoner, said the immersive experience of watching the Chinese New Year celebrations brought scenes she had previously only seen on TV before her eyes, and the powerful dance steps of Yingge dancers with their faces painted on made her deeply impressed and completely absorbed in the festive atmosphere.

On 11th February, Puning Nanshan Yingge team will also participate in“Chinese Gala” New Year Celebration at the famous Trafalgar Square in London, showing Puning Yingge style to people in the UK. It is learned that "Chinese Gala" is the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside Asia, which started in 2002.

The locations that the Nanshan Yingge Dance team are performing at during the Chinese New Year are both famous landmarks in London.“I’m looking forward that Puning Yingge Dancecouldgo to the world through our performances in London this time.” Chen Laifa, Puning Nanshan Yingge team coach and Puning Yingge National Representative Inheritor said.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







记者|周欣怡 朱绍杰 羊城晚报伦敦特约记者 余佳颖
图、视频拍摄|羊城晚报伦敦特约记者 余佳颖
视频制作|黎杰文 温泽广