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Art in Streets: The artist with no forearms in the streets of Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谢小婉、姜雪媛 发表时间:2024-01-29 23:05

At around 10 o'clock on January 20th, in an open space near the Cultural Park Station of Guangzhou Metro, Wang Zhendong set up his booth and started his painting business. When he tried to pick up the pen, he found it difficult - because Wang had lost his hands and forearms. He could only bend down and use his elbows to pick up the ink brush from the ground, then adjust the brush to the correct position with his mouth, and finally dip it in paint to start painting.

The first painting he made was a plum blossom. Crouched down, Wang depicted the branches, petals, and stamens. Though he held the brush with elbows, Wang completed his skillful painting consecutively without a pause in just 15 minutes. Finally, he used his left foot to hold the small brush and wrote the preface and postscript. When he looked up, there were already many audiences watching. They were amazed by his exquisite paintings, his unusual way of painting and his determination. In the winter, Wang and his paintings have become a scene on the streets of Guangzhou.

Performance in the street

Wang Zhendong, 58 years old this year, is from Baoding, Hebei. He started learning traditional Chinese painting when he was young. His family was economically deprived, and he couldn't make money from the painting business, so he had to find another way to make a living as a labourer. However, an accident at the age of 24 took away his hands and forearms. In order to support his family, he started to perform painting in the streets.

At first, Wang tried to write Chinese calligraphy with his feet. However, after practicing at home for three years, Wang felt that his work was barely satisfactory. During this time, he also tried to draw with an ink brush with his elbows. "Although I only sold for five yuan for a painting, I was very happy at the time because I felt strong when I could make a living."

Wang's unique skill of writing with feet and painting with elbows and his performance on the street gradually attracted much attention from others, including Liu Jingsheng, the former vice chairman of the Beijing Disabled Persons' Federation. Losing both arms, Liu used his mouth to hold a brush to write and paint. He excelled in cursive script and painting featuring flowers and birds. When he saw Wang Zhendong, he couldn't help but sympathize with him and was happy to help him. "He (Liu) has a studio, and he invited me to go there every day at 10 o'clock. He said we could paint together, and I learned a lot from him," Wang Zhendong expressed his gratitude.

At first, Wang was accustomed to making large paintings of landscapes or figures by waving the brush. But now, Wang preferred a small square painting on the street: "Teacher Liu reminded me that I paint landscape paintings and characters well, but it is too slow, and passers-by can't wait for hours. He enlightened me with a word, and I began to draw small paintings of flowers and birds, and soon, everyone liked my performance."

Coming to Guangzhou

"People say that Guangzhou is warm in winter, which is good for me. I do not need to endure the coldness there. Guangzhou's economy is relatively developed, and people are well educated there." In the1990s, Wang Zhendong, in a coat, carried a bag with a few brushes and a little paper, took a 48-hour green train, and came to Guangzhou alone.

At that time, Wang would lay his coat on the ground and sleep under the bridge at night. During the day, he would set up a stall in Liuhua Lake Park to sell paintings, earning around one hundred yuan a day. Later, through the introduction of a kind-hearted old lady, he rented a room and finally found a place to stay in Guangzhou.

After a good start, Wang came to Guangzhou every year to spend the winter, and when he returned to his hometown or Beijing, he painted, accumulated his works, and waited for the winter to be sold in Guangzhou. He paused his business for a while. He made a little money and started raising cows with his second wife. However, the cows got disease, and the business failed. Therefore, he picked up his painting again. Since 2006, it has become a habit for the couple to come to Guangzhou for the winter, and it has been 18 years.

Due to his advancing age, Wang can only set up his stall on weekends because he cannot bow down for a long time. During these times, the couple sets up their stall near the Cultural Park Station. When they arrive at the empty space, Wang's wife, Suping, sweeps away the fallen leaves on the ground, lays out a mat, arranges the paint dishes and the paint, opens the cover for her husband, squeezes out the required colors, and then displays the previously painted artworks for people to buy. This kind of cooperation between the couple has been going on for nearly 20 years.

Painting Skills

Wang using his elbows to paint and his feet to write calligraphy on the streets of Guangzhou, has become a unique sight. Recently, passersby shared Wang's performance online, attracting the attention of Guangzhou residents. Many netizens have left comments expressing admiration for his resilience and perseverance, giving him a thumbs up.

When it comes to painting, Wang Zhendong does not lower his standard for his loss of hands, and he doesn't want to make a living by receiving other's sympathy alone. He constantly perfected his painting skills, with a belief that whether in calligraphy or Chinese painting, the brush and heart should be integrated. Wang mentioned that it took him at least 15 years to pick up his brush again and paint before he felt his paintings were satisfactory.

"After I came to Guangzhou, I also learned a lot of painting methods of the Lingnan School. On the street, someone taught me some techniques, which I found was very useful." Wang Zhendong said, "Now, many old people and children are learning Chinese painting. If you paint outside, people will know your competence at a glance. It is not good to stop in the past without progress."

After Wang Zhendong's painting skills were recognized, many galleries invited him to paint. He won some awards, occasionally went out to communicate with other painters, and was more enthusiastic about public welfare. For example, he taught Chinese painting in primary schools and gave some lectures. He felt that he didn't have made huge achievements. Although he had experienced a lot, when looking back, Wang had thought, "I was able to inspire some people," and that was enough for him.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News



















文丨记者 谢小婉 实习生 徐麟钰
图丨记者 姜雪媛