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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东·葡语】Aves migratórias reúnem-se na baía de Shenzhen


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-01-11 20:47

Às 7:00 da manhã do dia 9 de janeiro, enquanto as aves migratórias se alimentavam na água, o sol nascia na Baía de Shenzhen. Sendo o habitat mais importante para as aves migratórias no hemisfério oriental e um dos "pontos de trânsito" da rota migratória norte-sul, a baía de Shenzhen acolhe milhares de aves migratórias de outubro a abril de cada ano. #WildLingnan

Deep Breath | At 7:00 a.m. on January 9, while migratory birds were feeding in the water, the sun was rising in Shenzhen Bay. As the most important habitat for migratory birds in the Eastern Hemisphere and one of the "transit points" of the north-south migration route, Shenzhen Bay hosts thousands of migratory birds from October to April every year. #WildLingnan


文、图|记者 王磊