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Maritime Guangdong Program short films debut in Jinan University, receiving praise from returned overseas alumni
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李丽、宋金峪 发表时间:2023-12-24 22:26

The2023 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program (Maritime Guangdong Program)held the "Maritime Guangdong Film Festival × Mobile Lingnan" academic screening series at Jinan University on December 21st. This is the first time that the short films created by young directors of the Maritime Guangdong Program have appeared in domestic universities, and the works have won resonance and praise from teachers and students from the university.

The academic screening series of "Maritime Guangdong Film Festival × Mobile Lingnan" is hosted by Yangcheng Evening News Group, and co-hosted by the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Liberal Arts and the Collaborative Center for the Promotion of Chinese Culture in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and Overseas of Jinan University, and the Lingnan Digital Humanities Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center in Guangdong Province.

Maritime Guangdong Program short films resonate with teachers and students

Jinan University is the first overseas Chinese university established by the Chinese government. The Maritime Guangdong Program has selected three root-seeking-themed works for screening, resonating with many students and teachers at Jinan University.

In "My Brother", a film by young director Adam Yang from Shantou, he attempts to answer a question: What exactly is "root"? He admits, "The concept of 'root' for the younger generation may not be as important as the one for the older generation. It seems like everywhere can be their 'root'. But the older generation believes that the 'root' is where their parents are." Is "root" referring to a specific place or a specific person? Exploring the answer became the original intention behind Adam Yang's creation of "My Brother".

To shoot "The River That Holds My Hand", Chaozhou young director Chen Jianhang took the crew to Vietnam to find the footsteps of overseas Chinese who turned a foreign land into their hometown. He revealed, "Almost every Chaozhou person around me will have an overseas Chinese relative. I hope to use the camera to record the bits and pieces of their lives. This is not just a personal story, but also the memory of the times."

In "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her", Huang Wenli, a young director from Qingyuan, tells a story that takes place on an overseas Chinese farm. The protagonist in the film is a returned overseas Chinese who experiences a series of life's sorrows - first losing his homeland and then losing his loved one on the way back to his home country. Huang Wenli said, "What I want to express is that time is no panacea. Some sorrows will not disappear with time, and what we need to learn is how to coexist with them."

That night, the students of Jinan University expressed their understanding and love for the films after watching them. It is worth mentioning that two Jinan University alumni came to watch the film specially. Both of them are overseas Chinese, so they are particularly interested in films about overseas Chinese. They spoke highly of the three Maritime Guangdong Program short films. One of the alumni revealed, "I have been a reader of Yangcheng Evening News for many years. When I saw the news about the screening of the Maritime Guangdong Program in the newspaper, I immediately told my son that I must come and watch it no matter what." The other alumnus was even more excited after watching the films. She said, "When I returned to China from Indonesia many years ago, I was 18 years old and spent 20 years on overseas Chinese farms. Now I am 81 years old. Tonight's films have brought back memories of my youth." She expressed her hope to see more films about overseas Chinese in the future.

Scholars at Jinan University: Dialects help with local expression

That evening, Professor Hou Xingquan, Dean of the College of Chinese Language and Culture at Jinan University, Professor Liu Yonglian, Director of the Sino-Foreign Relation Institute at Jinan University's College of Liberal Arts, Associate Professor Zheng Huanzhao, a young literary critic from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Jinan University, and other experts and scholars, reviewed three Maritime Guangdong Program short films and had discussions with the young directors.

Zheng Huanzhao expressed his appreciation for the exquisite selection of topics in the three short films. He pointed out, "In the past, the stories of overseas Chinese often emphasized the lives of Chinese people abroad. However, these young directors, based on their own hometown, have chosen to tell the fate of returned overseas Chinese."

Professor Hou Xingquan admitted that he was initially worried about the effect of these films: "These three films have neither flashy special effects nor particularly tense dramatic conflicts. Will young people like to watch such films? But the fact is that everyone watched the three films quietly today and still doesn't want to leave." He also revealed the unique value of the three works: "These three films are localized expressions of Lingnan culture. And in the localized expression, an important foundation is dialect. All three films use dialect, and their success inspires us to continue thinking about the relationship between dialect and literature, dialect and aesthetics, and inspires us to express culture in a more diverse way."

Professor Liu Yonglian said that he felt a pain unique to overseas Chinese in all three works. "Unwillingness to relocate is a characteristic of us Chinese. Hometown is our 'roots.' The pain of overseas Chinese comes from the ambiguity of their identities and homesickness, which is hard to be understood by others. As sociologists, we should pay more attention to this kind of pain and think more about how to make people far away from home feel that their 'roots' are here."







为了拍摄《The River That Holds My Hand》,潮州青年导演陈坚杭带着剧组前往越南,寻找华侨将他乡变故乡的足迹。他透露:“我身边几乎每个潮汕人都会有一个华侨亲戚,我希望用镜头记录他们的人生点滴。这不仅仅是一个人的故事,更是时代的记忆。”








文|记者 李丽 实习生 张舒曼
图|记者 宋金峪