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First large-scale cross-provincial hiking event in China announced
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2023-12-19 22:27

On December 18th, a joint press conference was held in Guangzhou, Meizhou, Guangdong Province and Longyan, Fujian Province, officially announcing the holding of the first Guangdong-Fujian cross-provincial hiking event themed on "Revolutionary Heritage" from January 6th to 7th, 2024, which will be the first large-scale cross-provincial hiking event in China.

It is reported that the hiking event adheres to the concept of "tracing the red imprints with footsteps, commemorating the glorious years in history" in its route design. Four different hiking routes between Dapu County of Meizhou and Yongding County of Longyan have been planned: Individual 73 kilometers, Individual 28 kilometers, Individual 5 kilometers, and a 73 kilometers group relay, which traverse the legendary red path between Meizhou and Longyan, the old revolutionary base areas.

In 1930, the central government of China established a "red traffic line" to transmit vital information, transport important resources, and escort significant leaders, which started from Shanghai, passed through Hong Kong, Shantou and Dapu County of Guangdong Province, Yongding County, Shanghang County, and Changting County of Fujian, and finally reached the revolutionary base area in Ruijin, Jiangxi.

The 3,000-kilometer-long traffic line carries the original mission and dedication of the Communist Party of China and will continue to inspire endless progress in the new era.

Reporters have learned that participants in the first edition of the hiking event will have the opportunity to visit famous red tourism spots during the journey, including the Sanhe Ba Battle Memorial Hall, Bogongao (at the border of Fujian and Guangdong), and the Jinsha Revolutionary Town in Yongding. They will also trek through beautiful countryside areas with babbling streams while experiencing the fruitful results of eco-friendly rural development.

Furthermore, the hiking event will lead participants on a journey to explore the authentic ancient Hakka culture, allowing them to experience the local Hakka way of life and taste the traditional Hakka cuisine. Along the way, the distinctive Hakka Tulou buildings and the traditional intangible cultural heritages will enable participants to appreciate the profound and charming Hakka culture.

It is worth noting that the social recruitment for the first edition of the hiking event targets individuals with off-road hiking experience, sports enthusiasts with a certain level of physical fitness, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), as well as personnel from government and public institutions. Participants can be of any gender, aged between 18 and 60. Besides, the individual 73-kilometer group requires prior experience of 50 kilometers of off-road hiking or marathon, and relevant certification and medical check-up reports will be required for verification.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News









文丨记者 刘星彤 实习生 洪倍佳