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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
A tragedy that will never be forgotten by Chinese people
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:杨楚滢 发表时间:2023-12-13 22:30

December 13th, 2023, marks the tenth national memorial ceremony for the Nanjing Massacre victims.

Eighty-six years ago, the 13-day Battle of Nanjing ended in failure. The rising of the flag of Japan atop the Zhonghua Gate Tower started an unprecedented massacre in the history of human civilization. Over the next 40 days, more than 300,000 innocent Chinese people perished under the Japanese invaders' slaughter as the mighty Yangtze River churned with waves of crimson blood.

As a Chinese saying goes, "The great affairs of a nation involve both worship and warfare." Since 2014, December 13th has been designated as the National Memorial Day for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

From every household to the entire nation, this somber chapter has been firmly etched into the collective memory of every Chinese people. Whenever the sound of air raid warning pierces the sky over Nanjing, the entire city comes to a standstill. In that minute, the whistles resonate, and people stand in silent mourning, with grief and sorrow resurfacing anew.

The mournful and humiliating history has long since ended, but that hurtful tragedy shall never ever be forgotten. Today, as Chinese people look back at the history, we pray for eternal peace for our fallen compatriots.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News







文案 | 记者 杨楚滢
翻译 | 洪婷
海报 | 范英兰
责编 | 王瑜瑛
校对 | 马曼婷