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Video | Interpreting the delicate flavors of Japanese cuisine by skillfully integrating Chinese tradition 【食尚岭南】视频|妙手巧融中式传统,演绎日料舌尖风味
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-11-24 10:20


When it comes to Japanese cuisine, the first dish that comes to mind for many people is sushi. However, behind each piece of sushi lies a diverse and romantic interpretation by Japanese chefs on the palate.


Xian Dewei, the head chef of Linglong Omakase, is a native of Guangdong, born in Zhongshan. He started learning Japanese cuisine at the age of 17 and honed his skills under various mentors in Zhongshan and Macau. After achieving proficiency, like many chefs, Xian aspired to have a restaurant of his own. He established Linglong Omakase in a residential area in Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou. In this small space with around 15-20 seats, he interprets the flavors of Japanese cuisine for diners, using handmade Japanese dishes to convey his culinary philosophy.


Growing up in Guangdong, Xian has been deeply influenced by the rich cultural heritage of the region. The flavors of Cantonese cuisine, which accompanied him throughout his upbringing, have subtly taken root in his heart. This influence has motivated Xian to skillfully incorporate classic ingredients and culinary elements of Cantonese cuisine into Japanese dishes.


In the Lingnan region, known as the homeland of lychees, the people of Guangdong, who have a unique perspective on food, are adept at using lychee wood in their cooking. Lychee wood-roasted chicken is a standout example of this culinary practice. When it comes to this authentic Cantonese dish, it is a taste that many Guangdong locals find unforgettable, and the same goes for Xian. To capture this essence, he developed the "Lychee Wood-Smoked Fish," a dish that involves roasting fish over lychee wood to infuse the distinctive aroma of lychee wood into Japanese cuisine.


Furthermore, Xian demonstrates skillful use of local specialty ingredients, such as the West Lake water shield. Known for its clear fragrance, freshness, and smooth texture, Xian uses water shieldsto create a refreshing Japanese dish called "Hangzhou West Lake Water Shield with Sea Eel." The grilled sea eel is placed on top of a sauce made from a blend of green lime juice, plum meat sauce, and Longkou vinegar. The warm sea eel, combined with the appetizing sauce and water shield, creates a delightful culinary experience that awakens the taste buds.