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Embark on a football journey in Guangzhou with Spain Tourism Board!
来源:羊城晚报•羊城派 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2023-11-23 23:23

On November 22nd, the "2023 Spain Tourism Board Football Carnival" was held at the training base of the Guangzhou Football Club. Sergio Sestelo, a current football coach and former player of Real Madrid from Spain, kicked off a fun-filled football match with a group of tourism professionals and media.

During the event, Ms. Ana Lafuente, the Tourism Counselor of the Consulate General of Spain in Guangzhou, mentioned that Spain has won its first-ever championship of the Women's World Cup this year, making itself the second country in the world to have won both the men's and women's World Cups. The stadiums scattered throughout major cities in Spain serve as both the stage for football games and as symbols and landmarks of Spanish culture.

She also expressed her warm welcome for the citizens of Guangzhou to embark on a wonderful journey to Spain, where they can visit stadiums, watch football matches, savor delicious cuisines, admire beautiful scenery, and experience the passionate football culture of Spain.

It is reported that outbound tourism from China to Spain is steadily recovering. During this year's "Golden Week" holiday, Spain became the second fastest-growing overseas destination on Ctrip, an online platform for ticket selling, second only to Switzerland. Compared with the period before 2019, Chinese tourists' spending on trips to Spain increased by 30% in 2023, with an average per capita expenditure of 3,100 euros in July.

Currently, with direct flights available from South China to Spain, including the Shenzhen-Barcelona route of Shenzhen Airlines and the Hong Kong-Madrid route of Cathay Pacific Airlines, it is more convenient for Guangzhou citizens to travel to Spain. In December, the air capacity between Spain and China will reach 28 direct flights per week and is expected to exceed that level in 2024.

It is also worth mentioning that this Spanish football journey will cover multiple iconic locations. The first one is the newly renovated Santiago Bernabeu Stadium (Madrid). Over the past century, this stadium has become a "sanctuary" in the world of football. After being refurbished, it will be grandly unveiled on December 23rd, capable of accommodating 82,000 spectators.

In addition to the Bernabeu Stadium, there is also the Spotify Camp Nou Stadium (Barcelona), the "largest stadium in Europe". The same as the Bernabeu Stadium, the Camp Nou Stadium is also under refurbishment and is scheduled to be completed by 2026. At that time, its capacity will be increased from 99,000 to 105,000, accompanied by a more comprehensive and grand-scale "Barça Space."

Apart from the above-mentioned stadiums, other places worth visiting include the Mestalla Stadium (Valencia), which ranks second in the list of "Europe's greatest stadiums" put forward by The Daily Telegraph, and the San Mamés Stadium (Bilbao) that is known as the "best sports building in the world".

Source: Yangcheng Evening News


11月22日,“西班牙国家旅游局2023足球嘉年华”活动在广州足球俱乐部训练基地举行,来自西班牙的足球教练、前皇家马德里队球员塞尔吉奥-塞斯特洛(Sergio Sestelo)带领一众旅游同业和媒体进行了一场趣味足球赛。

活动中,西班牙驻广州总领事馆旅游处旅游参赞安娜(Ana Lafuente)女士提到,今年西班牙首夺女足世界杯冠军,成为全世界第二个同时拥有男女足世界杯冠军的国家。遍布西班牙各大城市的体育场既是西班牙足球的舞台,更是西班牙文化的象征与地标。







文丨记者 刘星彤 通讯员 卢玉晶