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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
'The Pearl River Family' becomes a big hit on CCTV
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:艾修煜 发表时间:2023-11-12 22:36

Featuring recognizable singing voices for Cantonese opera, vivid Lingnan landscapes, diverse Guangdong cuisines, captivating stories, and patriotic sentiment, the TV series "The Pearl River Family" has been gaining in viewership since its premiere and has reached a peak rating of over 3%, making it the most-watched drama series of the prime-time slot on CCTV 1 in 2023.

The drama series has ingeniously integrated the representative elements from Lingnan culture - Cantonese medicine, Cantonese cuisine, and Cantonese opera. Through the separation, growth and reunion of the Chen siblings, the drama portrays their dedication to personal careers and pursuit of excellence while sacrificing themselves for the country amidst the turbulent years, showcasing the patriotic and fearless spirit of the Lingnan people.

It is like a comprehensive encyclopedia of Lingnan culture, reflecting all its colorful and glorious aspects. To fully depict the essence of Lingnan culture, the production team has conducted extensive research in various parts of Guangdong. According to Director Wu Bin, they had invited top experts who have been devoted to the industries of Cantonese medicine, Cantonese cuisine, and Cantonese opera for decades to serve as consultants and guides for the production team.

As mentioned by Screenwriter Liu Hua, the script of "The Pearl River Family" has undergone 14 months of research and pre-production before it was finalized. In order to produce a solid script, Liu Hua has consulted with a lot of experts and immersed himself in over two hundred books on Cantonese opera, cuisine and medicine, as well as Lingnan history, customs, and traditions. Chen Shaomei, a Cantonese opera director, revealed that the actress Guo Xiaoting and the actor Cao Jun had spent their mornings learning Cantonese opera before starting filming. "We would teach them line by line," she said. In addition to on-site teaching, professional Cantonese opera performers would also record the singing segments for the actors, enabling them to learn and practice at their own pace.

"Accurate and profound artistic works have immense power to move people. I hope that through this series, more audience can appreciate the charm of Lingnan culture and gain a deeper understanding of the Lingnan area, as well as the fearless, optimistic, enterprising and practical spirit and temperament of the Lingnan people."

In fact, it is not just Cantonese TV dramas that are attracting attention. In recent years, Guangdong has been frequently witnessing "highlight moments" in its cultural field with miscellaneous "blockbuster IPs" emerging, such as the Yingge Dance from the Chaoshan region, which has gone viral on short video platforms, the hit TV series "The Knockout", which has boosted tourism in Jiangmen, the award-winning Cantonese opera films "Legend of the White Snake: Love" and "Lady Xian"( Lady of Qiao Guo), the out-of-demand dance drama "Wing Chun" and the musical "Bond of Love" that has been selected for the National Excellent Musical Collection.








文|记者 艾修煜
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 周勇