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'Chilling' snow ignite the southern winter tourism market
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2023-11-11 22:56

The northern regions of China are currently experiencing widespread snowfall and dropping temperatures, marking the beginning of the first complete winter tourism season in over three years. Online travel platforms report a significant increase in enthusiasm for winter travel from the 2023 to 2024 snow season, with an expected surge in the number of snow tourists and tourism expenditure. The booming popularity of "snow +" activities is driving a new trend in cultural and tourism consumption.

For tourists from Guangdong who have a keen interest in snow and winter activities, witnessing the rare spectacle of snow with aurora borealis is an irresistible experience. Recently, a couple from Guangzhou signed up for a trip to Mohe City to admire the aurora borealis, hoping to fulfill their "snow and aurora dream" this winter without leaving the country.

The "Trend Forecast for 2023-2024 Winter Tourism Consumption" by Tuniu shows that the search volume for winter travel products increased by 124% from the National Day holiday (October 1st) to October 31st, compared to the same period in September. Similarly, the "Trend Report for 2023 Ski Travel" by Tongcheng Travel reveals that in the first week of November, the search popularity for "skiing" rose by 120%. The report also indicates that both ski resort ticket bookings and ski vacation product reservations experienced over a 100% increase compared to the previous period.

Tuniu has released its winter consumption forecast, revealing that Guangzhou and Shenzhen are ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, among the top ten most popular winter tourism destinations this year. They were only surpassed by Shanghai, Beijing, and Nanjing. Other southern cities on the list include Hangzhou, Xiamen, and Chengdu, which accounted for almost 70% of the total orders. According to reports, snow tourism orders on Fliggy were mainly purchased by people from southern regions on last year's Double Eleven Festival, accounting for almost 90% of the total orders.

According to Tuniu, southern provinces in China are becoming more significant in the winter tourism market and are expected to boost winter tourism consumption. This year, activities such as skiing, snow-watching in the southwest, indoor skiing, winter amusement parks, and hot springs in the east and south of China have all shown increased popularity.

Wu Ruoshan, a special researcher at the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that there is an increasing number of buyers from southern regions who are now interested in winter tourism. Wu believes that compared to northerners, southern tourists approach winter activities with more curiosity and anticipation as they are not as familiar with the snow. The gradual increase in indoor snow facilities has further unleashed the potential demand for winter tourism in the southern regions.

The winter tourism industry has undergone significant developments this year, with a focus on diversification, specialization, and attention to detail. According to Ou Jiaqi, the manager of the Shenzhen Deep Snow Ski Club, increased government support has led to the development and utilization of more snow resources. Additionally, many popular snow destinations have been introduced, and major tourism platforms have designed product lines tailored to different demands, including sports-oriented and leisure sightseeing options. Ou particularly highlights the emergence of customized small group tours that incorporate services such as travel photography, providing opportunities for more niche snow experiences and further enriching the market choices.









文 | 记者 刘星彤 实习生 洪倍佳
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