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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Photos|Guangzhou's popular hilltop destinations thrive with crowds on Double Ninth Festival!
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:马思泳、陈秋明 发表时间:2023-10-25 00:27

On the 9th day of the 9th lunar month, also known as the Double Ninth Festival, people in Guangzhou climbed to great heights to seek distant views and offer prayers for health and well-being. On October 23rd, as the festival was in full swing, citizens of Guangzhou flocked to places like Baiyun Mountain and Yuexiu Mountain, clutching windmills and ascending the heights in a fervor of blessings.

According to statistics, from 6 a.m. on October 22 to 11 p.m. on October 23rd, nearly 340,000 people climbed to the hilltops at 12 different locations in Guangzhou, with over 150,000 people reaching the summit of Baiyun Mountain.

Amidst cascading clouds and babbling brooks, the beauty of Baiyun Mountain was on full display, with lush greenery encircling the top peak. At the mountaintop square of Baiyun Mountain, numerous photo spots drew citizens eager to capture the moment. Stalls selling windmills attracted a lot of customers.

Mrs. He, an enthusiastic Baiyun Mountain visitor, made a special purchase on Double Ninth Festival - a windmill, which she took up the mountain to seek blessings. She said, "The Double Ninth Festival offers beautiful weather, perfect for mountain climbing and enjoying scenic views. I hope life unfolds as the blessing on the windmill reads: good health and well-being for the family."

Yuexiu Mountain saw a constant flow of visitors, with citizens ascending the "Hundred Steps" to capture moments at landmarks like the Sun Yat-sen Monument, the Square Cannon, and the Five Rams Statue. Ms. Huang, a local resident, said, "Since my home is close to Yuexiu Mountain, I made plans with my best friends to meet up and climb the mountain on the Double Ninth Festival."

Apart from the popular hilltop destinations, some residents chose to visit the Yun Road (Cloud Road) at Huaguo Mountain (Flower and Fruit Mountain), where they enjoyed the picturesque scenes of the city framed against a backdrop of blue skies and white clouds.

During the Double Ninth Festival, many attractions organized interactive games to engage visitors. At the Baiyun Mountain mountaintop square, interactive market stalls offering activities such as moxibustion, receiving blessing bookmarks, and first-aid knowledge sharing were highly popular and attracted long lines of visitors. Meanwhile, at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall near Yuexiu Mountain, a traditional culture event themed "Ecological Protection Warms Double Ninth Festival" took place. Huang Shenyong, the fourth-generation inheritor of traditional dough sculpture, joined citizens in crafting dough sculptures, paying tribute to the elderly through the creation of longevity peaches.








同时,不少景点也在重阳节期间举办了惠民互动游戏,邀请市民参与。在白云山山顶广场,艾灸体验、领祝福书签、急救知识科普等多个互动集市摊位受到市民热捧,市民排长龙。在越秀山下的中山纪念堂,举办了主题为“生态绿美 情暖重阳”的面塑传统文化体验活动。第四代面塑传承人黄神勇与市民一起制作面塑,通过制作寿桃,致敬长者。

文|记者 马思泳 通讯员 林园轩
图|记者 陈秋明
责编 | 王瑜瑛