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Exclusive Interview|Russian Consul General in Guangzhou:Guangdong and Russia Hold Great Potential for Cooperation
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:赵鹏、付怡、蒋铮、宋金峪 发表时间:2023-10-18 23:38

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and on October 17, the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation commenced in Beijing. Russia, spanning the Eurasian continent, was one of the first countries to collaborate with China in constructing the Belt and Road. Over the past decade, China-Russia trade volume reached $190.27 billion in 2022, a remarkable 116% increase from ten years ago. China has been Russia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years, and Russia has become China's primary source of energy imports. China's investments in Russia continue to expand, with over $10 billion invested and the establishment of more than 1,000 production enterprises.

In an exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News on the 17th, Alexandr Chernousov, the Consul General of the Russian Federation in Guangzhou, revealed that the bilateral trade between China and Russia this year is expected to surpass $200 billion. Guangdong's trade with Russia accounts for 8% of the total trade between the two countries, indicating significant potential for cooperation. In the first half of this year, Guangdong's bilateral trade with Russia grew by over 50% compared to the previous year, reaching 67.2 billion yuan.

On Impressions of Guangdong: Fascinating Region with Enchanting Lingnan Culture

Yangcheng Evening News: What led you to work in China? Which places in Guangdong have captivated you?

Chernousov: My entire career, including my university major, has been related to China. For a long time, I worked in cities in northern China. In 2021, the Russian government assigned me to Guangzhou. To be honest, I am very grateful for this opportunity. Guangdong is an incredibly fascinating region.

As we all know, China has become the world's second-largest economy through more than 40 years of reform and opening up. Guangdong, as the pioneer of China's reform and opening up, is actively promoting the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which will undoubtedly make substantial contributions to China's economic growth. Moreover, Guangdong's Lingnan culture adds charm to the region. These aspects make my work here very interesting.

On City Exchanges: Guangdong's Close Ties with Various Regions in Russian

Yangcheng Evening News: This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and China is hosting the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. Guangdong Province, particularly cities like Guangzhou and Shenzhen, has established sister province/city relationships with numerous regions and cities in Russia. Could you please elaborate on the economic, trade, cultural, and other exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong and Russia?

Chernousov: The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation commenced in Beijing on the 17th. Russian Federation President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is among the distinguished guests. On this occasion, I would like to extend my best wishes to China for the successful hosting of this significant international event.

Ten years ago, President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, which aligns with the efforts of Russia and its partners in promoting the Eurasian Economic Union. In March of this year, after the meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping in March this year, they issued a joint statement between the two countries on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for the New Era. Both sides expressed support for advancing integration processes within the framework of these projects. Russia is particularly interested in establishing new bilateral and multilateral logistics routes.

To my knowledge, a Sino-Russian summit will take place during the Forum, where the two heads of state will discuss the actual agenda of bilateral ties, including cooperation in culture, education, sports, and other fields. It's very important for the development of the relationship on the regional level.

Guangdong has established close ties with various regions of Russia. Sister relations have been established between Guangdong and Russia's Central Federal District, Moscow Oblast, Krasnoyarsk Krai, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk Krai, Amur Oblast, and Yaroslavl Oblast. Guangzhou has established a sister-city relationship with Yekaterinburg Oblast and Kazan City. Following the gradual resumption of exchanges between delegations from the two countries' regions after the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Ilsur Metshin, the mayor of Kazan City, recently visited Guangzhou. In August, a delegation from Guangzhou participated in the celebration of Yekaterinburg's 300th anniversary and subsequently visited Kazan.

In late October, Viktor Sadovnichiy, Academician and Rector of Moscow State University, along with representatives from Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, and Kazan Federal University, will visit Guangzhou. It is our hope that this visit will further deepen the exchanges between students from the two countries. Guangdong is not only an economic center in southern China but also a cultural hub. Performances by Ballets Russes and Russian musical groups have been highly popular in local theaters. This year, the Guangzhou Opera House hosted the Moscow Cossack Choir, the Saint-Petersburg State Ballet on Ice, the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, and other renowned Russian artists.

On Bilateral Trade: Steady Increase in China-Russia Trade

Yangcheng Evening News: In 2022, Guangdong's import and export trade volume with Russia exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time. In the first half of this year, Guangdong's economic and trade cooperation with Russia also demonstrated robust growth. Could you please discuss the prospects of Guangdong's economic and trade cooperation with Russia?

Chernousov: In recent years, the volume of China-Russia trade has consistently grown. Last year, the trade volume between our two countries exceeded 190 billion U.S. dollars. In the first eight months of this year, bilateral trade volume increased by another 32%, reaching 155 billion U.S. dollars. It is foreseeable that the target set by the leaders of both countries to achieve a trade volume of 200 billion U.S. dollars in China-Russia trade by 2024 is attainable.

Guangdong has made a significant contribution to this goal. In the first half of this year, Guangdong's trade volume with Russia increased by over 50% compared to the previous year, reaching 67.2 billion yuan (9.7 billion U.S. dollars). I firmly believe that Guangdong has tremendous potential to further expand bilateral trade.

In March of this year, President Xi Jinping was invited to make a state visit to Russia. During the visit, the two leaders signed a joint statement on the Pre-2030 Development Plan on Priorities in China-Russia Economic Cooperation in Moscow. The main objective of this joint statement is to promote the quality development of economic and trade cooperation between our countries. I am confident that the measures taken by both sides to implement the provisions of this joint statement will significantly boost trade volume between Guangdong and Russia.

On Energy Cooperation: Hydrogen Energy Expected to Become a New Area of Focus for Cooperation

Yangcheng Evening News: Guangdong is a province with high energy consumption, and Russia is one of China's major sources of oil and gas energy. China is committed to achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, and Guangdong Province has been actively promoting the development and utilization of green energy and increasing the use of natural gas. Could you provide an overview of the energy cooperation between Guangdong and Russia?

Chernousov: The energy cooperation between Russia and China is strategically significant and mutually beneficial. The various projects that have been implemented or are currently underway as part of the China-Russia energy cooperation framework will greatly contribute to China's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. These projects encompass the supply of pipeline natural gas to China through the "Siberian Power" pipeline, the construction of a new natural gas pipeline along the Far East route, and the establishment of Russian-designed nuclear power units in China.

Geographically, Guangdong is quite distant from Russia, which does pose some challenges to bilateral energy cooperation. However, the liquefied natural gas projects undertaken by Russia's NOVATEK in collaboration with Chinese partners, such as the Arctic LNG-2 Project, provide new opportunities for Guangdong to utilize Russian energy resources. Additionally, hydrogen energy, which holds great potential, is also expected to emerge as a new area of cooperation between the two countries.

 Interesting Tidbit :
Chernousov´s Craving for Deqing "Tribute Tangerines"
As well as "White-cut Chicken" and "Double-skin Milk"

I have a keen interest in learning about the lifestyle in Guangdong. The nights here are vibrant and lively, with Huacheng Square in Guangzhou serving as a prime example. I am particularly fascinated by the way local residents, especially the younger generation, spend their weekends and holidays.

One memorable experience I had was when I accompanied other consulate staff on a visit to Deqing, where we participated in the harvest of "Tribute Tangerines" (Gonggan). They were absolutely delicious, and I hope that they can be made available in the Russian market in the future.

After having worked in China for many years, I have grown accustomed to Chinese cuisine. Cantonese cuisine, in particular, has captured my heart with its non-spicy flavors and abundance of seafood. Coming from a coastal region in Russia, I have always had a great love for seafood. While it's difficult for me to pick a favorite Cantonese dish at the moment, among the delicacies I have tried, I especially enjoy white-cut chicken, crab roe tofu, and double-skin milk.




























文 | 记者 赵鹏 付怡 蒋铮 实习生 温颖
译 | 陈书君
图 | 记者 宋金峪